Boris Johnson’s new task force will set business free of old EU rules

BORIS Johnson is to set up a task force to seize the golden opportunities that lay outside the EU.

Ministers will slash red tape stifling firms and capitalise on the control we have over our laws again.

Boris Johnson’s new task force will set business free of old EU rules
Boris Johnson is setting up a task force to seize the golden opportunities that lay outside the EU

The PM has ordered them to reform rules to boost growth, innovation and competition in the UK — and attract fresh post-Brexit investment.

He wants swift action to enable businesses to grow, while keeping the high standards Britain has championed in areas such as workers’ rights.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak will chair the Better Regulation Committee, which will drive an ambitious programme to capitalise on Brexit over the next year.

He says he will push boundaries, boost creative thinking and inject pace within Government.

The committee will be overseen by a new parliamentary task force, headed up by a senior MP.

Former Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith is tipped for the job.

Boris Johnson’s new task force will set business free of old EU rules
Rishi Sunak will chair the Better Regulation Committee

Mr Sunak said yesterday: “We have an opportunity to do things differently and this Government is committed to making the most of the freedoms that Brexit affords us.

“This isn’t about lowering standards, but about raising our eyes to the future — making the most of new sectors, new thinking and new ways of working.”

A cross-government unit will help find opportunities through a series of “deep dives” to weed out unwanted EU regulations.

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