Boris Johnson's downfall: How Partygate and a bungled response led to his demise, claims Tory powerbroker

Boris Johnson's downfall: How Partygate and a bungled response led to his demise, claims Tory powerbroker

Tory powerbroker reveals key turning point

Lord Graham Brady, who headed the backbench 1922 Committee for 14 years, suggests that Boris Johnson could have weathered the storm of Partygate if not for subsequent missteps.

Putin's invasion of Ukraine shifted the tide

Letters of no confidence from Conservative MPs were withdrawn in February 2022 following Putin's invasion of Ukraine, providing Johnson with a lifeline during a tumultuous period.

War efforts won over critics

Despite facing allegations of breaking lockdown rules, Johnson's strong stance during the Ukraine conflict garnered support from some MPs who viewed his leadership positively.

Unveiling the true reasons behind Johnson's downfall

Lord Brady highlights that while Partygate was subsiding, it was Johnson's handling of subsequent scandals, particularly the Pincher affair, that ultimately led to his resignation.

Boris Johnson's downfall: How Partygate and a bungled response led to his demise, claims Tory powerbroker

Boris Johnson's upcoming bombshell memoir

Former PM Boris Johnson is set to shake things up at the Tory conference with the release of his memoir, "Unleashed," which promises to provide further insights into his tumultuous tenure.

The final straw: Johnson's failure to read the room

Brady suggests that Johnson's failure to grasp the severity of the situation, coupled with misjudgments in handling internal scandals, sealed his fate as Prime Minister.

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