Boris Johnson to reveal Freedom Day plans in DAYS but warns some rules could stay

BORIS Johnson today gave his strongest warning yet that Brits will still have to put up with some restrictions after Freedom Day.

The PM braced people to continue living with “extra precautions” and promised to unveil his post-July 19 blueprint in the “next few days”.

The PM braced people to live with “extra precautions”

While Step 4 of the roadmap tears up legal restrictions on social contact, it is expected some rules around masks and social distancing could remain.

On a visit to the Nissan plant in Sunderland he said: “I know how impatient people are to get back to total normality as indeed am I, and I will be setting out in the course of the next few days what step four will look like exactly.

“We’ll be wanting to go back to a world that is as close to the status quo ante-Covid as possible, try to get back to life as close to it was before Covid.

“But there may be some things we have to do, some extra precautions that we have to take, but I’ll be setting all that out.”

His warning came as:

  • The PM urged parents to be “patient” as he resisted calls to scrap class bubbles immediately
  • Ministers unveiled plans for Covid booster jabs in the autumn
  • Mr Johnson said double jabs would be the “liberator” for holidays

The Government’s long-awaited review into future guidance is widely expected to urge mask-wearing in enclosed settings like transport – although it is still a live discussion.

Cabinet Ministers have been reluctant to rule out such measures stretching through the summer months.

The PM has stressed that we are going to have to learn to “live with Covid” in the long-term as we do with flu.

Boris Johnson to reveal Freedom Day plans in DAYS but warns some rules could stay


And new Health Secretary Sajid Javid used his first speech this week to vow a return to normality as quickly as possible.

Declaring lockdown the “end of the line”, he told MPs: “We owe it to the British people who have sacrificed so much to restore their freedoms as quickly as we possibly can – and not to wait a moment longer than we need to.”

It suggests eventually all restraints will be torn up even if the virus continues circulating.

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