Boris Johnson tells people to isolate from TODAY if they want to see family at Christmas next week

BRITS must isolate from TODAY if they want to see family and friends for Christmas next week, Boris Johnson said today.

He ordered the nation to minimise contact with anyone who they don’t live with to try and avoid passing on anything to loved ones.

Boris Johnson tells people to isolate from TODAY if they want to see family at Christmas next week
Boris warned the nation to start isolating from today

People across the UK will be allowed to form a Christmas bubble from 23 to 27 December of up to three households, but only two in Wales.

However, due to a recent surge in cases in the South of England, the PM has now urged people to be more careful.

He’s not scrapped everyone’s plans but has stressed they should be smaller and shorter if they can.

The PM said one way of cutting the risk is to isolate beforehand.

He said: “If you are forming a Christmas Bubble, it’s vital that from today, you minimise contact with people from outside your household.

“Everyone must take personal responsibility to avoid passing the virus on to loved ones this Christmas.”