Boris Johnson promises worried 8-year-old Santa IS coming this Christmas despite Covid – but he must wash his hands

BORIS Johnson reassured kids today that Santa IS coming to deliver Christmas presents today after an adorable 8-year-old wrote to him worried about his journey.

Monti penned an adorable letter to the PM asking him whether Santa was allowed to come “if we leave hand sanitser by the cookies”.

The PM said he had received “lots of letters about this” from kids concerned they may not get their annual delivery of treats from Father Christmas.

But Boris assured them he had spoken with his top team of experts and Santa would be allowed to come.

Monti wrote: “I am 8 years old and I was wondering if you and the government had thought about Santa coming this Christmas.

“If we leave hand sanitzer by the cookies can he come? Or will he wash his hands?

“I understand you are very busy but can you and the scientists talk about this. From Monti.”

Boris replied to say he’d “put a call in to the North Pole” and was assured “Father Christmas is raring and ready to go, as are Rudolph and all the other reindeer”.

He also passed on message from the Chief Medical Officer, Chris Whitty, who said that if Santa is safe and responsible he can continue with his work as usual.

As long as “he works quickly and safely” there will be no extra risks, he promised.

Boris added: “Leaving hand sanitser by the cookies is an excellent idea to help prevent the spread of the virus”.

He said that using it, as well as washing your hands “is exactly the kind of thing that will get you and your friends on the nice list”.