Boris Johnson promises ‘hi-vis chain gangs’ for criminals to do community service as he backs ‘loving’ stop & search

BORIS Johnson today vowed that “hi-vis chain gangs” should be brought in for criminals to do community service – so justice can be seen to be done.

The PM also announced a huge boost to stop and search powers to tackle the deadly knife crime epidemic, saying it was the “loving” thing to do.

Boris Johnson promises ‘hi-vis chain gangs’ for criminals to do community service as he backs ‘loving’ stop & search
The PM vowed that justice must be seen to be done to crack down on crime
Boris Johnson promises ‘hi-vis chain gangs’ for criminals to do community service as he backs ‘loving’ stop & search
Boris Johnson will be announcing plans which will see burglars and thieves electronically tagged 24 hours a day to stop them reoffending

As part of a huge crime blitz today, the PM vowed that criminals will be put to work cleaning up streets, estates and parks in a “visible” push for the public to “see justice being done”.

The visit was Mr Johnson’s first trip out after ten days in isolation- after coming into contact with Covid-positive Health Sec Sajid Javid.

Speaking to reporters this morning at Surrey Police HQ alongside Home Secretary, Priti Patel, he said lockdown had “driven some antisocial behaviour” and vowed to get on top of it.

He said: “But I also want to see those who are guilty of anti-social behaviour properly paying their debt to society.

“Somebody’s anti-social behaviour may be treated as a minor crime but it could be deeply distressing to those who are victims.

“If you are guilty of anti-social behaviour and you are sentenced to unpaid work, as many people are, I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t be out there in one of those fluorescent-jacketed chain gangs visibly paying your debt to society.

“So you are going to be seeing more of that as well.”

Lags convicted of booze related crimes – which the Home Office says drives 39 per cent of all violent crime – will also be tagged to stop them drinking.

The massive law and order crackdown comes after a torrid few weeks of negative headlines has seen the PM’s approval ratings sink.

Announcing the massive crime crackdown, the PM said: “When I first stood on the steps of Downing Street as Prime Minister, I promised to back the police and make people safer, because we cannot level up the country when crime hits the poorest hardest and draws the most vulnerable into violence.

“That is why my Government has remained unstinting in its efforts to protect the British public and this plan delivers a fresh commitment, as we emerge from the impacts of the pandemic, to have less crime, fewer victims and a safer society.”

The flagship measure will be a permanent uplift for sweeping powers for the police to Stop and Search suspected criminals to drive down soaring knife crime.

So called Section 60 powers allow police to dramatically increase their Stop and Search tactics in areas where they anticipate violence – or following a stabbing to help find weapons and stop reprisals.

The move consigns Theresa May’s legacy to the dustbin of history.

As both Home Secretary and PM, she battled against Stop and Search suggesting it was discriminatory and capping its use.

But within days of taking over in 2019, Mr Johnson began unpicking that.

Pilots have been running since then to allow all 43 police forces to use Stop and Search powers more often – and that will now be put on a permanent footing.

Boris Johnson promises ‘hi-vis chain gangs’ for criminals to do community service as he backs ‘loving’ stop & search
The PM out of isolation today on a visit with the Home Secretary

Home Office sources say the test schemes had led to officers having more confidence using Stop and Search and a knock on deterrent effect to would-be offenders.

Home Secretary Priti Patel said: “We’re putting 20,000 new police officers on the street, equipping them with new powers to catch criminals and take away knives.”

But Labour branded the Beating Crime Plan “all talk and no action when it comes to tackling crime.”

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