Boris Johnson 'no longer sure' lockdowns worked in tackling Covid

Boris Johnson 'no longer sure' lockdowns worked in tackling Covid

Boris Johnson's Doubts

Boris Johnson expressed uncertainty about the effectiveness of lockdowns in combating Covid-19, stating that while restrictions may have had some impact, they did not fundamentally alter the course of the pandemic.

Expert Concerns

Prof Sir Chris Witty raised concerns that the government failed to accurately communicate the severity of the pandemic, suggesting a lack of clarity in conveying the threat level of the virus.

Government Action

Johnson reflected on the limitations of government intervention in controlling the spread of a highly contagious disease, questioning the decisive impact of lockdowns in curbing the virus and expressing doubts about their effectiveness in reducing infection rates.

Party Conference Focus

Against the backdrop of Johnson's remarks, the Conservative Party gathers for its annual conference in Birmingham, where leadership hopefuls will address party activists. Robert Jenrick, a contender for leadership, has proposed tax cuts for small businesses and White Van Man.

Boris Johnson 'no longer sure' lockdowns worked in tackling Covid