Boris Johnson makes personal call to Macron to unlock border chaos amid mutant Covid strain

BORIS Johnson and Emmanuel Macron held a crunch call this afternoon to try and thrash out a solution to the border chaos – which were shut amid fears over a new Covid strain.

The PM said he had a good discussion with the French President and they hoped to get the border opened up again in the coming hours, as fears grew of shortages.

Boris Johnson makes personal call to Macron to unlock border chaos amid mutant Covid strain
Boris Johnson is leading a No10 press conference

The PM is appearing alongside the Chief scientific adviser Patrick Vallance and the Transport Secretary Grant Shapps, just days after his national address on Saturday.

He said the delays “only apply to a very small percentage of food” coming into the UK and insisted everyone should “continue to shop normally” and not panic buy and stockpile.

The PM held a call with France’s Emmanuel Macron this afternoon, and the pair are hammering out a plan to allow goods to begin to start flowing across the Channel once again.

He said: “I’ve just spoken to President macro he had a very good call and we both understand each other’s positions, and want to resolve these problems as fast as as possible.

“We’re working to a solution as I say, as fast as we can, to allow freight traffic to resume, between the UK and France, and to ensure that lorries can travel in both directions in a COVID secure way.”

And he stressed that the “risks of transmission by a solitary driver sitting alone in the cab are really very low”.

He also told the nation that 500,000 people had now been given the vaccine.

At the weekend Mr Johnson was forced to tell people living within Tier 4 areas to cancel their Christmas plans and stay at home once again.

And Brits across the country have been given “stay local” orders for their smaller Christmas celebrations, to stop the virus spreading.

Christmas bubbles were almost entirely scrapped with those living in Tiers 1, 2 and 3 only able to meet loved ones for one day.

The super-spreading new mutation of Covid-19 could be as much as 70 per cent more contagious, Government boffins said over the weekend.

Mr Johnson said it was with “bitter regret” he was having to backtrack on promises of Christmas reunions, but the moves were needed to keep the nation safe while the vaccine was rolled out.

But the news of the mutant strain – which Matt Hancock said was “out of control” – has spooked other nations, who have shut the borders with the UK today and cancelled flights.

France closed all routes by air, sea and the Eurotunnel from the UK, and lorries snaked for as many as seven miles through Kent trying to get to the border.

To add to the chaos, they banned freight and other imports and exports too – sparking panic about food supplies in the run up to Christmas.

Mr Johnson is chairing a Cobra meeting this afternoon to address the scenes of mayhem at the border.

Boris faces a nightmare before Christmas today as:

  • France shut the border with the UK – forcing lorries with goods to line up for hours on both sides
  • It was feared food supplies may be affected within hours – with Sainsburys warning about veg and fruit in the run up to Christmas
  • Millions were stranded or unable to travel after a string of countries banned flights to the UK over the new coronavirus strain
  • A third of the country was plunged into Tier 4 yesterday – effectively another lockdown – cancelling Christmas for thousands of families
  • MPs demanded a vote be held as soon as possible
  • More than £33 billion was wiped off the FTSE 100 within minutes of opening over the chaos

The border shut down caused frenzied fear over food shortages, with Sainsbury’s and the British Retail Consortium warning fruit and veg could run out after Christmas.


A spokesperson for the supermarket said: “All products for the Great British Christmas lunch are already in the country and we have plenty of these.

“We are also sourcing everything we can from the UK and looking into alternative transport for product sourced from Europe.

“If nothing changes, we will start to see gaps over the coming days on lettuce, some salad leaves, cauliflowers, broccoli and citrus fruit – all of which are imported from the Continent at this time of year.

“We hope the UK and French governments can come to a mutually agreeable solution that prioritises the immediate passage of produce and any other food at the ports.”

Though, the French Transport Secretary Jean-Baptises Djebbari said the 48-hour shutdown could be eased within hours.

But French President Emmanuel Macron said this could require lorry drivers to hand over a negative Covid PCR tests – which would mean the UK would need to very quickly ramp up mass testing infrastructure in Kent.

Boris Johnson makes personal call to Macron to unlock border chaos amid mutant Covid strain

Boris Johnson makes personal call to Macron to unlock border chaos amid mutant Covid strain
Food shortage fears over the French border shutdown has fuelled panic buying

Boris Johnson makes personal call to Macron to unlock border chaos amid mutant Covid strain
A third of England was plunged into Tier 4


Health Secretary Matt Hancock caused further dismay yesterday, after he suggested Tier 4 rules could stay in place for months – until the vaccination is rolled out to the most vulnerable people.

It has fuelled fears, Tier 4 could be extended to other parts of the UK, as frantic Londoners tried to escape the capital ahead of the new lockdown.

Speaking about the new strain of the virus, Professor Openshaw of Imperial College London, a member of Government advisory committee Nervtag, told The Times: “It’s very unlikely anything less than really effective measures are going to control it.

“My concern is people are not going to comply. It’s really important people appreciate the danger.

“It does seem inevitable it will spread but it doesn’t mean it’s useless trying to prevent that from happening.”

He added that it may be “necessary to extend” the Tier 4 restrictions further into England as the virus spreads.

And there were scenes of chaos at airports as France and a host of other European countries, including Germany and Italy, slapped travel bans on anyone coming from the UK.


Some Brits were held against against their will, as the EU scrambled to stop the new strain making its way to the Continent.

In Germany, officials at Hanover airport set up campbeds for 63 people who arrived from Britain.

Nurses in hazmat suits were screening the last arrivals from the UK on Sunday night as angry passengers were told to sleep in the terminal building.

Boris Johnson makes personal call to Macron to unlock border chaos amid mutant Covid strain