Boris Johnson is keen to ban firms from having a ‘no jabs, no jobs’ policy

BORIS Johnson is keen to ban firms from having a “no jabs, no jobs” policy, Trending In The News can reveal.

The PM is adamant businesses should not be able to discriminate against people who have not had the vaccine.

Boris Johnson is keen to ban firms from having a ‘no jabs, no jobs’ policy
Pimlico Plumbers boss Charlie Mullins said he wouldn’t give a job to anyone who has not had the coronavirus vaccine

Mr Johnson made his views clear to cabinet ministers and aides who are working on a review of controversial Covid-status certificates.

He says workers may have legitimate reasons for not being inoculated.

Business leaders, such as Pimlico Plumbers boss Charlie Mullins, have vowed not to hire anyone who has not had the jab.

But a Whitehall source said: “The idea of having a vaccine certificate to do an honest day’s work doesn’t sit right with a lot of people inside government, including the Prime Minister.”

Boris Johnson is keen to ban firms from having a ‘no jabs, no jobs’ policy
Boris Johnson is keen to ban firms from having a ‘no jabs, no jobs’ policy

“The reviews taking place are as much about kicking these ideas out, as much as implementing them.

“The Prime Minister does not want to see people punished for not having had the jab for possibly legitimate reasons.” 

It comes as the PM said Brits will be “consumed with desire” to get back to face-to-face meetings when the nation opens up.