Boris Johnson hails Brexit deal as MPs to back historic agreement this afternoon

BORIS Johnson has hailed his Brexit deal as opening a “new chapter in our national story” as he vowed it would take back control of British laws.

The PM opened the Brexit debate in the Commons today ahead of a historic vote this afternoon when MPs will rubber stamp his agreement – before coming into force tomorrow night.

Boris Johnson hails Brexit deal as MPs to back historic agreement this afternoon
Boris Johnson said the UK would be free from EU rules as he opened the historic Brexit vote

It came just hours after the EU signed off the deal their end – and sent a copy on an RAF plane back to Britain for Boris Johnson to sign too.

MPs are expected to pass the deal with a huge majority – as Labour will back it.

The SNP, DUP, Plaid Cymru and a handful of Labour MPs will oppose it.

Mr Johnson has insisted that the deal means the UK will be “the best friend and ally the EU could have”, whilst fulfilling the “sovereign wish” of the British people to live under their own laws.

Britain will take back control of our waters too, choosing who will be able to fish in our water in future.

And he told the Commons his deal “should allow companies to do even more business” with the EU.

In a statement, Mr Johnson said: “In the heart of this Bill is one of the biggest free-trade agreements in the world, as we discussed in this chamber many times a comprehensive Canada-style deal worth over £660 billion.

“Which if anything should allow companies to do even more business with our European friends, safeguarding millions of jobs and livelihoods in UK and across the continent.

“In less than 48 hours, we will leave the EU single market and the customs union, as we promised.”

Boris Johnson hails Brexit deal as MPs to back historic agreement this afternoon
The PM is opening the debate – ahead of a vote this afternoon

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