Boris Johnson faces crunch Commons clash with MPs today as he’s grilled on handling of pandemic

BORIS Johnson faces a crunch Commons clash with top MPs today as he goes before the powerful liaison committee later.

The PM will face up to several senior politicians who will grill him on the coronavirus pandemic, the latest lockdown and how the vaccine will be rolled out to everyone in the country.

Boris Johnson faces crunch Commons clash with MPs today as he’s grilled on handling of pandemic
The PM will face up against a team of top MPs later today

The clash only comes every few months in the PM’s diary, and gives MPs a chance to really press him on the key issues of the day.

He’s likely to stress his message for the public to stick by lockdown rules or face tougher action in days.

The PM has repeatedly refused to rule out tightening the lockdown even more – with possible extra closures or restrictions on click and collect and takeaways on the cards.

This afternoon Nicola Sturgeon announced six key changes to Scotland’s lockdown to try and slam the brakes on the spread of the new variant of the virus.

Alcohol will be banned outside, only essential tradespeople will be allowed into homes to do work, people must not go inside to collect take-aways and only vital click and collect services are allowed to continue.

There are fears the PM may follow suit on some of these measures if cases remain stubbornly high.

Boris Johnson faces crunch Commons clash with MPs today as he’s grilled on handling of pandemic


It comes as:

  • The PM vowed earlier 24/7 vaccine centres would be coming soon
  • He also insisted there were early signs that lockdown is working, but he refused to rule out further measure
  • Gavin Williamson wrote to exam bosses to suggest they may consider some external papers after all to try and assess kids’ grades correctly

However, there has been some positive trends in the last few day’s of data – with hospitalisations and case numbers in some areas starting to plateau.

The PM said earlier there were signals the lockdown – which was introduced last Monday – was beginning to work on slowing the spread.