Boris Johnson challenges Nicola Sturgeon to choose between people’s livelihoods & her dreams of an independent Scotland

BORIS Johnson last night challenged Nicola Sturgeon to choose between people’s livelihoods and her dreams of an independent Scotland.

The PM urged her to join a national effort to turbocharge the recovery from the ravages of pandemic.

Boris Johnson challenges Nicola Sturgeon to choose between people’s livelihoods & her dreams of an independent Scotland
Boris Johnson has presented Nicola Sturgeon with a ‘carefully laid trap’ to keep the UK together
Boris Johnson challenges Nicola Sturgeon to choose between people’s livelihoods & her dreams of an independent Scotland
It comes after the Scottish National Party failed to win a majority in Holyrood

He invited the SNP leader to a summit to discuss the shared rebuilding blitz moments after her return as First Minister.

In a letter to Ms Sturgeon, he asked her to seize the offer to continue the pandemic success of “Team UK in action”.

The PM wrote: “We will all have our own perspectives and ideas — and we will not always agree — but I am confident that by learning from each other we will be able to build back better, in the interests of the people we serve.”

But he made clear it would mean working together in the “months and years” ahead to overcome their “shared challenges”.


An insider said it presents Ms Sturgeon with “a carefully laid trap”.

They added: “If Nicola takes up this offer, she will be tied down to working on a UK-wide recovery programme for the next few years.

“If she says no, she’ll be turning down a huge opportunity to rebuild Scotland after the pandemic and will be personally responsible for any decline in living standards in the future.”

The Scottish National Party yesterday secured a historic fourth term in power but failed to secure an overall majority in the Holyrood Parliament.

Boris Johnson challenges Nicola Sturgeon to choose between people’s livelihoods & her dreams of an independent Scotland
The PM sent a congratulatory letter after Sturgeon’s return to First Minister

Boris Johnson challenges Nicola Sturgeon to choose between people’s livelihoods & her dreams of an independent Scotland
He also wrote to Welsh leader Mark Drakeford

Boris Johnson challenges Nicola Sturgeon to choose between people’s livelihoods & her dreams of an independent Scotland


Ms Sturgeon said her first focus would be on the pandemic, but the people of Scotland should be able to decide on the constitutional question “when the time is right”.

But constituency voting returns show 1,364,000 people voted for pro-UK parties, compared with 1,326,000 who backed those in favour of independence.

Mr Johnson has also written to Welsh leader Mark Drakeford and the Northern Ireland administration, inviting them to attend the summit.

Boris Johnson challenges Nicola Sturgeon to choose between people’s livelihoods & her dreams of an independent Scotland
Johnson made it clear his recovery plan would mean working together in the ‘months and years’ ahead