OUSTED Boris Johnson can take the £840-a-roll golden wallpaper he had slapped up in No11 when he leaves, it was suggested yesterday.
He borrowed £112,000 from a Tory donor for the controversial refurb, including the posh Lulu Lytle paper, which he later repaid.

Two removal vans were in Downing Street yesterday

Boris Johnson can take the £840-a-roll golden wallpaper he had slapped up in No11 when he leaves, it was suggested yesterday
Government rules allow him to remove anything he paid for.
Tory donor Lord Brownlow originally forked out £112,000 for the refurb before Mr Johnson paid him back.
But he cannot take the £30,000 worth of items that were footed by the taxpayer.
Two removal vans were in Downing Street yesterday.
Mr Johnson is currently on holiday.
He will spend the remaining weeks of his premiership between No10 and Chequers.
Chequers is the prime minister’s grace-and-favour country retreat.

Mr Johnson will spend the remaining weeks of his premiership between No10 and Chequers
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