Boozer bosses plea with ministers to save pubs from collapse

Boozer bosses plea with ministers to save pubs from collapse

Industry demands include slashing red tape, easing taxes, and axing outdoor smoking ban

Boozer bosses have urged ministers to take urgent action to prevent more pubs from going under. Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy received demands from hospitality chiefs highlighting the dire situation, with pubs reportedly making just 12p profit per pint.

Pubs hailed as 'lifeline' for many

In response to the plea, Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy emphasized the importance of pubs as a 'lifeline' for many in the community. She acknowledged the risk of more local pubs closing down and assured that the government is committed to creating a supportive environment for businesses to thrive.

Struggling venues seek support from Chancellor

Many struggling pubs are hoping for assistance from Chancellor Rachel Reeves at the upcoming Budget on October 30. Emma McClarkin, chief executive of the British Beer and Pub Association, highlighted the challenges faced by pubs, including increased bureaucracy, business rates, and alcohol duty.

Looming smoking ban in pub gardens raises concerns

The plans to ban smoking in pub gardens, as proposed by Labour, have raised concerns among industry leaders. Emma McClarkin expressed her worries about the potential impact on already struggling pubs, stating that it could further hinder their ability to make a profit.

Boozer bosses plea with ministers to save pubs from collapse

Pubs seen as more than just economic assets

Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy emphasized the social importance of pubs, particularly for older individuals who rely on them as community spaces. She highlighted the role of pubs in fostering connections and providing a sense of solace for many.

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