Birmingham council under fire for wasteful spending on strange projects

Birmingham council under fire for wasteful spending on strange projects

Survey on wheelie bins includes question about residents' sexuality

A survey conducted by Birmingham City Council asked residents about their sexual orientation, in a section called "About You". The survey, estimated to cost tens of thousands of pounds, has come under scrutiny after the council declared itself effectively bankrupt this week. Many of the council's unusual spending choices are now being brought to light.

Troubling pattern of wasteful projects emerges

Alongside the controversial wheelie bin survey, the council has been criticized for other questionable expenses. Earlier this year, Birmingham spent money on building Britain's shortest cycle lane, measuring only 7 feet long. The council was also involved in farcical road schemes, such as placing 60 bollards outside a primary school to prevent parents from parking. Residents have described the move as unnecessary and excessive.

Recruitment of equalities lead despite financial crisis

Despite the council's financial difficulties, it is currently trying to hire an equalities lead on a £60,000 salary. This decision has been met with criticism, particularly as the council already employs 11 full-time diversity and equality officers. The council recently hosted the 2022 Commonwealth Games and has attributed its financial challenges to the cost of historical equal pay claims.

Tories claim wasteful spending is a Birmingham Labour issue

Robert Alden, leader of the council's Tory group, has placed blame on the Labour-run Birmingham council for its excessive spending. He states that the city is filled with reminders of the council's "wanton waste" of taxpayer money. The council's declaration of bankruptcy has made these spending choices even more contentious.

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