Ben Wallace warns Rishi Sunak: Invest more or risk Britain's vulnerability

Ben Wallace warns Rishi Sunak: Invest more or risk Britain's vulnerability

Wallace formally quits Defence Secretary role, urges Sunak to increase funding

Ben Wallace has formally resigned as Defence Secretary and issued a warning to Chancellor Rishi Sunak, stating that without increased funding, Britain will become more vulnerable. In his resignation letter, Wallace expressed his belief that the world will become more insecure and unstable in the next decade and emphasized the need for investment. Prime Minister Boris Johnson appointed Grant Shapps, a close ally, as Wallace's replacement, making it his fifth cabinet job in the past year.

Army concerns over Shapps' lack of experience

The appointment of Grant Shapps as the new Defence Secretary has raised concerns within the Army. Senior figures worry that Shapps' lack of experience in the field may result in a lack of advocacy for funding the struggling forces. Former chief of the general staff of the British Army, Lord Dannatt, expressed his concerns, stating that it will take Shapps time to familiarize himself with the complex portfolio. Army chiefs are hopeful that Shapps will be able to effectively "push the case for defence."

Ben Wallace warns Rishi Sunak: Invest more or risk Britain's vulnerability

Tory MP defends Shapps appointment

Tory MP Bob Neil defended the appointment of Grant Shapps, describing him as bright and quick to understand the brief. Shapps has previously held the positions of Home Secretary, Transport Secretary, Business Secretary, and Energy Secretary before his latest appointment as Defence Secretary.

Limited reshuffle of top team

As MPs prepare to return to Westminster next week, Prime Minister Boris Johnson conducted a limited mini-reshuffle of his top team. Rishi Sunak's former special adviser, Claire Coutinho, was promoted to Energy Secretary, replacing Grant Shapps. Backbencher David Johnston MP was then promoted to fill Coutinho's vacant role as Children's Minister. The PM is expected to save a larger reshuffle of his top team for after the party conference season and the King's Speech in November.

Boris Johnson paid tribute to Ben Wallace, praising him as a fine Defence Secretary who made the right calls, particularly regarding Ukraine.