Are you allowed dogs at polling stations during local elections 2021?

AS people prepare to vote in today’s general election there are some important rules you should know if you plan to take your pooch with you.

Here is everything you need to know.

Are you allowed dogs at polling stations during local elections 2021?
Your pooch is more than welcome to join you at the polling station

Are dogs allowed in polling stations?

Yes. Polling stations are pooch-friendly so your canine companion is free to join you – although they sadly can’t vote.

All dogs are welcome but must be kept under control and not cause disruption.

Your political pooch can come into the polling station but you must keep it under control..

You can even bring a horse, although it must be tied up outside.

In recent elections, it’s become traditional for people to post pictures of their dogs outside.

Even London mayor Sadiq Khan took his pup to the polls in 2018.

However, if they’re not well behaved and disrupt the vote you will be asked to take them outside.

There are official guidelines for canines accompanying owners into the booths.

If you happen to bring two or more dogs with you the polling staff may hold their leads while you cast your vote.

The Electoral Commission has advised that dogs may have to be tied outside while you vote unless they are a guide dog.

Are you allowed dogs at polling stations during local elections 2021?
They must be kept under control but, dogs are more than welcome