Almost all civil servants want to work from home permanently, survey finds

ALMOST all civil servants want to work from home permanently, a new survey has found.

Some 97 per cent said they want to retain the option of working from home in the future, according to a survey of civil servants by the FDA union.

Almost all civil servants want to work from home permanently, survey finds
Some 97 per cent of civil servants said they want to retain the option of working from home in the future

And a third said they wanted to work from home for at least three days a week.

Seven in ten claimed they worked more hours while at home, with a third working at least five additional hours each week.

FDA General Secretary Dave Penman told Politico that providing that rate of remote working would require a “revolution” for the civil service to cope with.

More civil servants said their work/life balance had improved than said it had worsened.

But 51 per cent said their mental wellbeing had gone downhill, compared with one in five who said the opposite.

A government spokesman said the civil service is “committed to flexible working and it has long been the case that staff are able to work remotely if they need to.”

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