Affronts and Outrage: Reform Candidate's Controversial Comments Revealed

Affronts and Outrage: Reform Candidate's Controversial Comments Revealed

Shocking Statements and Praising Putin

A Reform candidate, Ian Gribbin, has come under fire for controversial remarks, including suggesting neutrality towards the Nazis and derogatory comments about women. Gribbin also praised Vladimir Putin and criticized Sir Winston Churchill in articles uncovered by the BBC from the website UnHeard.

Reform Party's Response

Party chairman Richard Tice and leader Nigel Farage have distanced themselves from Gribbin's comments, stating they do not endorse his views. Farage mentioned that the party's selection processes were rushed due to the snap election and claimed the Green Party has had more issues with problematic candidates.

Pushing Forward with the Agenda

In response to the backlash, Tice emphasized that the party is focused on its agenda and gaining momentum in the polls. He mentioned that inappropriate behavior will be investigated, but the party is determined to move forward with their plans.

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