Warning to millions of Diablo players – going offline could save your character

DIABLO 4 has issued a warning to players who are playing over the next few days.

There will be two sessions of maintenance which could disrupt players’ games.

Warning to millions of Diablo players – going offline could save your character
Players are warned not to play Diablo 4 over the next few days.

This announcement is especially important for those who play in Hardcore mode, as disconnection can mean the death of your character.

If a Hardcore player disconnects while below a certain HP threshold, the game counts this as a permanent death.

This means that your beloved Diablo 4 character is gone for good.

The warning is also applicable to other players who could lose progress if disconnected.

Scheduled maintenance is planned for today (June 26) and tomorrow (June 27), so players should be cautious if they wish to join in during these times.

On June 26, 2023, Diablo 4 is expected to experience maintenance between 5pm and 9pm UK time.

This means that the maintenance will likely last for four hours, but it could take longer than this if errors occur.

To stay safe players should refrain from playing Diablo 4 this evening.

The second set of scheduled maintenance is on June 27, 2023, and will take place between 5:30pm and 11pm UK time.

This maintenance will last for around five and a half hours, but again could be longer.

Those hoping to hang on to their characters and their progress should cancel their play sessions for these evenings.

If everything goes smoothly, players should not disconnect during these times but it is a possibility.

It will still be possible to play Diablo 4 during these times as the servers will remain online, but it’s not guaranteed the game will be stable.

While it might be annoying to refrain from playing for this time, it would be even more annoying to lose your hard work.

Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.


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