Upcoming Game Mixes Cat Food and Spaghetti for Bizarre Marketing Campaign and I Ate It

Upcoming Game Mixes Cat Food and Spaghetti for Bizarre Marketing Campaign and I Ate It

Bizarre Marketing Campaign Unveiled

When it comes to marketing, companies will go to great lengths to get their product noticed, and the gaming industry is no exception. From bringing dead goats to parties to promoting games in unique ways, the latest marketing campaign involves a combination of cat food and spaghetti.

Game Details

The promotional item, known as Tinner4Two, is part of the marketing campaign for the game Gori: Cuddle Carnage. The game features an anthropomorphic cat on a mission to save the world, and the Tinner4Two combines meals for both gamers and their feline companions.

Unique Marketing Strategy

Wired's promotional material for the Tinner4Two highlights the time-saving aspect of the product. By combining human and cat meals in one tin, the campaign claims to save gamers up to 18 minutes every day, allowing for more playtime. The packaging even touts the tinned spaghetti as one of your five a day.

Personal Experience

While the concept may sound strange, the reality is a bit different. The tins are actually two separate containers glued together, with the cat food being a hit among feline taste buds. However, the spaghetti was deemed inedible by the author, who found it less time-saving compared to making a sandwich.

Final Thoughts

While the Tinner4Two may not be for everyone, it offers a quirky twist on gaming promotions. Whether you're intrigued by unique marketing campaigns or prefer traditional meal options, the choice is yours. And if you're looking for more gaming offers, don't miss out on the opportunity to grab three free Lord of the Rings games.

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