Steam players concerned as AI-generated games make a comeback

Steam players concerned as AI-generated games make a comeback

Steam Greenlight: A controversial past

Steam Greenlight, the process that allowed almost anyone to sell a game on the Steam online storefront, was met with controversy. Despite requiring community votes for approval, there were loopholes that allowed low-quality games with bugs to make it through. Steam discontinued Greenlight in 2017 to improve game quality.

AI-generated content banned, then unbanned

In June 2023, Steam announced that games using AI-generated content would not be allowed on the platform. This decision raised concerns about the potential decline in game quality. However, Steam has since reversed the ban, stating that the "vast majority" of AI games will now be allowed.

Quality concerns and ethical implications

AI-generated content is often seen as lower quality due to the presence of errors that human work does not have. The use of AI for game development also raises ethical concerns, as it replaces work that was once done by humans.

Return to the Wild West?

Steam's latest decision has left fans worried about a potential return to the low-quality games of the Greenlight era. Adding to the concern is the fact that Steam will rely on player reports to curate content, rather than conducting thorough checks before release.

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