CAPCOM has asked Resident Evil fans for their choice of upcoming game for the series.
A new survey is out, asking fans for information about their favourite releases in the series, and what they’d like to see next.

Fans want Code Veronica to get a full modern remake.
Starting out by poling people about their history with the franchise, Capcom has a long list of Resident Evil games.
The survey asks players which mainline and spin-off games they’ve played, and which one’s they’d like to see come back.
Capcom’s recent remakes of Resident Evil 2 and 4 have been praised by fans and critics alike.
Now, Capcom is asking fans which game they’d like to see remade next from its huge library of mainline and spin-off games.
However, one game keeps coming up on social media, trending on a number of platforms.
Resident Evil: Code Veronica originally came out as a Dreamcast exclusive game, featuring Claire Redfield as the protagonist.
It was critically acclaimed at the time, receiving an impressive 94/100 on Metacritic, but has now aged out of modern tastes.
Asides from obvious points like outdated graphics, and a limited save system, the controls are very difficult for modern audiences to control.
Using an old control scheme known as tank controls, players have to swivel the character around while stationary in order to change direction.
Fans have been asking for a Code Veronica remake for years, and are hoping that this survey is a way for them to get their voices heard.
It is often considered one of the best games in the series, but Capcom seems to have given up on it after a number of unsuccessful ports.
Most ports of Code Veronica have done nothing to update the game for modern audiences.
As such they reviewed poorly, but a full ground-up remake, like the one Resident Evil 4 received, is sure to be a massive hit.
If you want to take part in the survey, you can do so on Capcom’s website.
Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.