POKÉMON Go has two new events this week alongside the usual changes.
Pokémon has kept much of this week in mystery to build hype for these big events.

There are big adventures to be had this week.
Elite Raids have appeared monthly during Rising Heroes, and May is no different.
Here’s everything that’s happening in Pokémon Go from May 8 to May 14.
Ponyta takes the spotlight
This week’s Spotlight Hour will take place on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, from 6pm local time.
It will feature the Kantonian form of Ponyta, which is a pure Fire-type.
You will need 50 candy to evolve it into Rapidash, making this a great opportunity.
Any Pokémon caught during this hour will also give you double candy, making getting Rapidash even easier.
Sunshine Cup takes on the Go Battle League
Go Battle League will change on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, at 9pm UK time.
The Ultra League with a max CP limit of 2.5k will stay, but Little Cup will leave this week.
This cup will have a limit of 1.5k CP, and only Normal-, Fire-, Grass-, and Ground-types can enter.
There is just one additional Pokémon banned from this, and it’s fan-favourite Charizard.
Tapu Fini storms raids
Raid Hour will take place on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, from 6pm local time.
Genesect is being replaced with Tapu Fini this week to complete the Guardian Deities that have appeared in recent raids.
As part of Raid Hour it will be available in every single gym as a five-star raid.
Mega Scizor will leave raids the next day and be replaced by Mega Pinsir.
A Valorous Hero event starts
A Valorous Hero will start on Thursday, May 11, 2023, at 10am and end on Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 8pm local time.
Details about the event have not been released yet, but it seems to be linked to last week’s An Instinctive Hero event.
As both Spark and Blanche have had specific research events based on them it will likely be Candela’s turn.
Another Elite Raid is out in the wild
The Elite Raid will take place on Saturday, May 13, 2023, from 11am, 2pm and 5pm local time.
Regidrago will return once more to be captured by fans in Elite Raids.
These will occur at specific locations at three different times throughout the day, and will require a number of players in order to take it down.
Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.