PS5 owners discover game-changing 'pin trick' for faster gaming

PS5 owners discover game-changing 'pin trick' for faster gaming

Customize your PlayStation Home Screen for the best experience

PlayStation 5 owners have stumbled upon a simple trick that can significantly speed up their console. By utilizing a Home Screen hack, gamers can customize their PS5 experience to get into their games as quickly as possible. One of the key features of this trick is the ability to pin games to the Home Screen, allowing for instant access to favorite titles. To do this, users can navigate to the desired tile, press the Options button on their DualSense controller, and activate the "Keep On Home" feature.

Re-organize your Control Center

In addition to the Home Screen customization, players can also re-organize their PS5 Control Center for a more streamlined gaming experience. The Control Center is the pop-up panel that appears on the screen, providing quick access to various features such as switching between recent games or activating Rest Mode. To rearrange the icons in the Control Center, users can tap the PS button to launch the quick menu, hover over an icon, and press the options button on their joypad. This allows them to select and move any icon to a different position. Unwanted icons can be hidden by dropping them in the "Hidden Controls" section. Some key options in the Control Center include Power, Home, Switcher, Notifications, Game Base, Music, Sound, Mic, Accessories, Profile, and Power.

By rearranging the Control Center and utilizing the pin trick for the Home Screen, PS5 owners can optimize their gaming experience and access their favorite games faster than ever before. Give these hacks a try to make the most out of your PlayStation 5!

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