Popular Xbox exclusive is scrapped from Game Pass – and the weird reason why

A XBOX exclusive game featuring The Boys’ Shawn Ashmore will soon be leaving Xbox Game Pass.

The subscription service regularly changed games, but as Xbox owns the rights to this title, many thought it was safe.

Popular Xbox exclusive is scrapped from Game Pass – and the weird reason why
Quantum Break is going thanks to this car.

Seven games will be leaving Xbox Game Pass on April 16, but no solid date was given for Quantum Break outside of April.

This is because the game isn’t being removed due to lack of interest, or agreements with the developer ending.

Instead, it appears that there is a licensing issue with one of the product placements found in the game.

Ashmore plays protagonist Jack Joyce, who has different powers that can manipulate time.

Despite all this, he still has to get around, and to do so, he uses his trusty Nissan Leaf.

The car features prominently in parts of the game, with the Nissan logos, and the exact design of the real car.

The licensing issues surrounding the car appear to be the reason for the game’s upcoming removal from the subscription service.

As Quantum Break could leave the service at any time, Xbox Game Pass subscribers have been advised to download the game as soon as possible.

Even if you have downloaded the game, you will still lose access when it is removed from Game Pass.

This means that if you want to experience Quantum Break, it’s best to play it as soon as possible.

It is not clear whether it will be removed from other platforms such as Steam in the coming days.

However, it is currently 80% off on Steam, and purchasing would allow you to maintain access past its possible removal.

Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.