THE Pokémon Company has released a new trailer for the upcoming ninth generation of Pokémon games, called Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet.
It starts out by confirming that wild Pokémon will appear in the overworld and will have to be encountered to initiate a battle.

A new evolution has been announced.
Usually, wild Pokémon will not be able to use the new mechanic known as Terastylization.
However, rarely on the field you will encounter a shining wild Pokémon.
When you enter battle with this special type of Pokémon, they will terastylize at the start of battle.
More information was given about the new mechanic.
We now know that all Pokémon will be able to have a tera-type of any of the existing 18 types of Pokémon, but some mixes will be rarer than others.
Terastylization will last until the end of battle, unless a large amount of damage is dealt to a tera-Pokémon.
Then the terastylization will break and it will return to its usual form and not be able to terastylize again that battle.
There is also a new move called Tera Blast which can only be used when a Pokémon is in its tera-form.
Tera Blast will change to match the type of the Pokémon’s tera-form.
Another new move was also revealed called Trailblaze. This is a grass-type move that increases the user’s speed.
The new quest where you take on the bad guys in Starfall Street also had new details revealed.
Players will only be able to bring three Pokémon into this challenge, and can send out Pokémon individually to take out hoards of grunts.
The way TMs work has also been changed.
Battling and catching Pokémon will now drop certain items that can be combined at Pokécenters to create TMs.
This will be done with a new mechanic introduced, called a TM Machine.
Scarlet and Violet will have character customisation and an all-new photo mode, including a selfie mode.
The camps are back from Sword and Shield and include a sandwich-making mini-game, where you can build sandwiches and eat them to gain buffs.
The biggest announcement was a new Pokémon evolution for the gen 2 Pokémon Girafarig.
Its evolution is called Farigiraf and keeps the same normal/psychic typing of the original.
Farigiraf is able to have one of two new abilities.
Armor Tail prevents the opponent from using priority moves, while Chew Cud will let it eat berries over two consecutive turns.
Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.
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