THE Treasures of Ruin are a new legendary quartet hidden deep in the post-game of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
They are incredibly powerful beasts and all come with a dual Dark-typing.

These are the stakes you’re looking for.
To unlock each one, you must find eight stakes and then travel to the vault they live in.
If you want to catch the Treasures of Ruin in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, keep reading to find out how.
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet: Purple Stake locations – How to catch Wo-Chien
Wo-Chien is the Dark/Grass-type legendary with the special ability Tablets of Ruin.
Purple Stake 1
In the mesa area directly east of Mesagoza, the first stake is on top of the rocks just off the main path.
Purple Stake 2
The second stake is on a grassy outcrop directly north of the mesa biome.
Purple Stake 3
The third stake is on a cliff overlooking Artazon, just southwest of the town.
Purple Stake 4
On a cliff next to the floodgate southeast of Mesagoza, you’ll find the fourth stake.
Purple Stake 5
On top of a spiral grassy hill southeast of Mesagoza is the fifth one.
Purple Stake 6
The sixth stake is on a cliff behind some trees northeast of Los Platos.
Purple Stake 7
By a lake on top of a hill directly south of Los Platos is the seventh stake.
Purple Stake 8
The last stake is on top of a cliff by the coast in the southeast corner of the map, just above the purple vault.
Purple Vault – Where to find Wo-Chien
Wo-Chien’s vault is at the bottom of a cliff by the coast in the southeast corner of the map. Just below a purple stake.
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet: Yellow Stake locations – How to catch Chien-Pao
Chien-Pao is the Dark/Ice-type legendary Pokémon with the special ability Sword of Ruin.
Yellow Stake 1
The first stake is behind the Pokémon gym building in Cascarrafa, east of the waterfall.
Yellow Stake 2
The second is on a cliff overlooking the nearby Dark-type Team Star Base on the south side.
Yellow Stake 3
At the bottom of a cliff in a little nook northwest of the Pokémon League is the third stake.
Yellow Stake 4
The fourth stake is on a rocky plinth in the middle of a sinkhole south of the nearby river.
Yellow Stake 5
On a mountainside ledge northwest of Cortondo is the fifth stake.
Yellow Stake 6
In a cave that can be entered from either a beach on the western coast or the southwest corner of Cortondo’s region,
Yellow Stake 7
On top of a grassy slope overlooking Cortondo from the southwest is the seventh stake.
Yellow Stake 8
The last stake is halfway down a cliff near the south coast, next to a waterfall.
Yellow Vault – Where to find Chien-Pao
On a cliffside on the west coast, due west of the Bombirdier titan fight, is where you can find Chien-Pao.
Green Stake locations – How to catch Ting-Lu
Ting-Lu is the Dark/Ground-type legendary with the special ability Vessel of Ruin.
Green Stake 1
On the southeast side of a small island in the south of Casseroya Lake, you’ll find the first stake.
Green Stake 2
The second stake is on the east side of a large island in the middle of Casseroya Lake.
Green Stake 3
On a cliff on the southwest border of Casseroya Lake, is the third stake.
Green Stake 4
The fourth is on the northwest coast on the north side of the river.
Green Stake 5
On a snowy cliffside on the north coast, just east of the Socarrat Trail, is the fifth stake.
Green Stake 6
The sixth is on a small grassy patch just south of the river that’s south of Casseroya Lake.
Green Stake 7
On a rocky plinth in the large cave south of Casseroya Lake, is the seventh stake.
Green Stake 8
The last is on a grassy cliffside by the river northeast of Medali.
Green Vault – Where to find Ting-Lu
On the south side of the Socarrat Trail’s rocky hill, right in the center, you can find the home of Ting-Lu.
Blue Stake locations – How to catch Chi-Yu
Chi-Yu is the Dark/Fire-type legendary with the special ability Beads of Ruin.
Blue Stake 1
On the northeast coast near a raised tree and rock, is the first stake.
Blue Stake 2
The second is on a cliff overlooking the forest with painted trees on the north side.
Blue Stake 3
On top of a big rocky pillar in the grassy area on the northeast coast, is the third stake.
Blue Stake 4
The fourth is on a grassy cliffside in the northeast corner of the bamboo forest.
Blue Stake 5
On a grassy patch at the top of the waterfall on the south side of the bamboo forest, is the fifth stake.
Blue Stake 6
The sixth is in the ruins at the bottom of the giant cliffs that border Paldea in the northeast.
Blue Stake 7
On a grassy cliffside on the south side of Glaseado Mountain, is the seventh stake.
Blue Stake 8
The final stake is on the east coast, south of the badlands area, and northeast of Levincia.
Blue Vault – Where to find Chi-Yu
In a cave at the top of the waterfall on the south side of the bamboo forest, is where you can find Chi-Yu.
Written by Ryan Woodrow and Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.