Pokémon Fans Shocked by Lack of Action Against Palworld

Pokémon Fans Shocked by Lack of Action Against Palworld

Copycat Concerns

Pokémon, the world's biggest franchise, is known for taking swift action against projects that use its designs without permission. However, fans have been left surprised by the franchise's lack of response to a new game called Palworld, which features designs eerily similar to Pokémon.

Palworld's Popularity

Palworld, which launched about a week ago, has quickly become the second most popular game on Steam of all time. Its success has led to increased scrutiny, with some accusing the game of using AI to create similar designs or even stealing models from the latest Pokémon game.

No Legal Action Expected

Despite the accusations, Pokémon has not taken any legal action against Palworld. This is in contrast to their quick removal of a fan-made Pokémon mod of Palworld within 24 hours of release. Many fans were expecting Pokémon to sue over the similarities, but it seems unlikely to happen.

Pokémon's Response

Pokémon has finally responded to the controversy. In a statement, they acknowledge that they are aware of Palworld and that they have not granted permission for the use of their intellectual property or assets in the game. They promise to investigate and take appropriate measures to protect their intellectual property rights.

Copyright Law

While the designs in Palworld may be strikingly similar to Pokémon, copyright law allows for this kind of similarity. Pokémon's statement suggests that they do not consider the game to be a copyright infringement.

If you want to learn more about Palworld, check out our Palworld review.