Pokémon fans rejoice as powerful new Pokémon added to the game

Pokémon fans rejoice as powerful new Pokémon added to the game

A snow-themed raid to kick off the holiday season

The holidays are just around the corner, and Pokémon fans have something to cheer about. A new snow-themed raid is set to be launched, bringing with it popular and rare Pokémon for players to catch.

The return of Walking Wake and Iron Leaves

Pokémon trainers will be delighted to know that two fan-favorite Pokémon, Walking Wake and Iron Leaves, are making a comeback. These elusive creatures were previously only available in limited-time raids, making them highly sought after. But fear not, the raids are here to stay for a while.

A special raid for Pokémon Violet players

The first encounter in this series of raids is a special seven-star raid exclusive to Pokémon Violet. This raid is no walk in the park, but trainers who manage to defeat it will be rewarded with the powerful Paradox Pokémon.

A limited-time opportunity

The Iron Bundle raid will only be available for a very limited time, spanning just one weekend. Trainers can catch Iron Bundle from December 22 to December 24, 2023. So mark your calendars and get ready for the challenge.

Two super rare Pokémon up for grabs

But the excitement doesn't end there. Another special raid is set to take place during the holiday period, featuring two super rare Pokémon. Iron Leaves and Walking Wake, which cannot be found in either Pokémon Scarlet or Violet, will only be available through raids.

A longer window to catch them all

The good news is that trainers will have a two-week window to catch their own Iron Leaves and Walking Wake. These raids will be available from December 25, 2023, to January 8, 2024. So make the most of this opportunity and add these elusive Pokémon to your collection.

Team up for success

To catch both Iron Leaves and Walking Wake, trainers will need to either join raids online or team up with a friend. Collaboration is key in this competitive digital world, so gather your fellow trainers and embark on this thrilling quest together.

Complementing the Indigo Disk DLC

These raids are a perfect addition to the recently released Indigo Disk DLC, which introduced four brand new Paradox Pokémon. Each game features exclusive Pokémon tied to Perrin's quest, adding an extra layer of excitement and challenge for trainers.

Don't miss out on the free Mystery Gifts

If you're a Pokémon enthusiast, make sure to check out the free items you can grab via Mystery Gifts. These goodies will enhance your gaming experience and add an extra touch of magic to your Pokémon journey.