POKÉMON has released a new update that will help players catch rare beasts.
Players will need to connect to the internet in order to download the latest update and catch the rare Pokémon.

Chesnaught it coming back for the second time.
Last month, certain five-star and seven-star raids were removed from the Scarlet and Violet following an error.
It was confirmed that a bug was added into the game in a raid update that prevented players from catching raid ‘mons.
After the target Pokémon was defeated, the game would sometimes freeze, preventing players from catching them.
This was incredibly frustrating for players who had to start raids again and still had no guarantee of catching the rare ‘mons.
It’s been almost a month since the raids were removed and there was no timeline for when they would return.
This meant that limited-time raids were removed from the game, preventing players from catching these rare ‘mons.
Pokémon has confirmed the return of both the Chesnaught raids and the Iron Treads/Great Tusk raids in a recent blog post.
Seven-star Chesnaught raids will return from Friday, June 16, 2023 until Sunday, June 18, 2023.
The event will only last for one weekend compared to the usual two as one weekend was completed before the raids were removed.
Five-star Iron Treads and Great Tusks raids will also be available for the same weekend.
Unfortunately, this is the only weekend they’ll be available as it seems that the raids are currently behind schedule.
It is believed that the next two seven-star raids will be for Psychic-/Fire-type Delphox and the Grass-type Rilaboom.
This is because these starters are available via the Pokémon Home update alongside the previous seven-star raid targets.
Other starters such as Venusaur and Blastoise are still unavailable to transfer into Scarlet and Violet.
Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.