POKÉMON Home has just launched in Pokémon SV, and with it 82 new ‘mons have been added.
You can transfer these Pokémon from Let’s Go, Sword & Shield, Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, and Pokémon Go.

Pokkémon can be traded over from Pokémon Go and other Switch games.
Pokémon can also be transferred from Generations 1-7 using the Pokémon Bank app.
Some are exclusive to certain games, and some will introduce new egg moves into Scarlet and Violet.
Here are all the Pokémon and moves transferable via Pokémon Home, and where you can find them.
Full list of transferable Pokémon and locations
Some of the new Pokémon are exclusive to certain games, or are event only.
Here’s all the Pokémon you can transfer using Pokémon Home:
- Charmander / Charmeleon / Charizard – Let’s Go Eevee / Pikachu, Sword / Shield, Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl, Go
- Articuno / Zapdos / Moltres – Let’s Go Eevee / Pikachu, Sword / Shield, Shining Pearl, Go
- Mewtwo – Let’s Go Eevee / Pikachu, Sword / Shield, Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl, Go
- Mew – Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl, Go
- Cyndaquil / Quilava / (Hisuian) Typhlosion – Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl, Legends: Arceus, Go
- Kyogre – Shield, Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl, Go
- Groudon – Sword, Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl, Go
- Rayquaza – Sword / Shield, Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl, Go
- Uxie / Mesprit / Azelf – Sword / Shield, Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl, Legends: Arceus, Go
- Dialga – Sword, Brilliant Diamond, Legends: Arceus, Go
- Palkia – Shield, Shining Pearl, Legends: Arceus, Go
- Heatran – Sword / Shield, Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl, Legends: Arceus, Go
- Giratina – Sword / Shield, Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl, Legends: Arceus, Go
- Cresselia – Sword / Shield, Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl, Legends: Arceus, Go
- Arceus – Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl, Legends: Arceus
- Oshawott / Dewott / (Hisuian) Samurott – Legends: Arceus, Go
- Tornadus – Sword, Legends: Arceus, Go
- Thundurus – Shield, Legends: Arceus, Go
- Landorus – Sword / Shield, Legends: Arceus, Go
- Meloetta – Go (event only)
- Chespin / Quilladin / Chesnaught – Go
- Fennekin / Braixen / Delphox – Go
- Froakie / Frogadier / Greninja – Go
- Carbink / Diancie – Sword / Shield
- Hoopa – Go
- Volcanion – Sword / Shield (event only)
- Rowlet / Dartrix / (Hisuian) Decidueye – Sword / Shield, Legends: Arceus, Go
- Magearna – Sword / Shield (event only)
- Grookey / Thwackey / Rillaboom – Sword / Shield
- Scorbunny / Raboot / Cinderace – Sword / Shield
- Sobble / Drizzile / Inteleon – Sword / Shield
- Zacian – Sword, Go
- Zamazenta – Shield, Go
- Eternatus – Sword / Shield
- Kubfu / Urshifu – Sword / Shield
- Zarude – Sword / Shield (event only)
- Regieleki – Sword / Shield, Go
- Regidrago – Sword / Shield, Go
- Glastrier / Spectrier / Calyrex – Sword / Shield
- Wyrdeer – Legends: Arceus
- Kleavor – Legends: Arceus
- Ursaluna – Legends: Arceus
- Hisuian Basculin / Basculegion – Legends: Arceus
- Hisuian Sneasel / Sneasler – Legends: Arceus
- Hisuian Qwilfish / Overqwil – Legends: Arceus
- Enamorus – Legends: Arceus, Go
- Alolan Raichu – Sword / Shield, Go
- Alolan Diglett / Dugtrio – Sword / Shield, Go
- Alolan Meowth / Persian – Sword / Shield, Go
- Hisuian Growlithe / Arcanine – Legends: Arceus
- Galarian Slowpoke / Slowbro / Slowking – Sword / Shield, Go
- Alolan Grimer / Muk – Go
- Hisuian Voltorb / Electrode – Legends: Arceus
- Kantonian Tauros – Let’s Go Eevee / Pikachu, Sword / Shield, Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl, Go
- Galarian Articuno / Zapdos / Moltres – Sword / Shield, Go
- Hisuian Liligant – Legends: Arceus
- Hisuian Zorua / Zoroark – Legends: Arceus
- Hisuian Braviary – Legends: Arceus
- Hisuian Sliggoo / Goodra – Legends: Arceus
- Hisuian Avalugg – Legends: Arceus
- Roaming Gimmighoul – Go
- Vivillon (Any pattern) – Go
How movesets work in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Pokémon transferred from Pokémon Home will not keep the moveset that they are transferred with.
Instead, they will have the last four moves that they would learn in Generation 9.
This also means that level-up moves learnt in previous generations that are not available in Generation 9, such as Scald, will remain unavailable.
However, a new pool of ‘mons means that more egg moves will be available, and can be transferred using the Mirror Herb.
Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.
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