Overwatch 2 fans can grab a £17 legendary skin completely free – but players are furious

OVERWATCH 2 is giving away a free legendary skin as part of its summer event.

However, fans aren’t happy about the change and feel angry about the latest offer.

Overwatch 2 fans can grab a £17 legendary skin completely free – but players are furious
The Mei skin has been available since the original Overwatch.

The Sprinkles skin for the character Mei has cost players up to 1.9k Overwatch Coins in the past.

This is equal to about £17 ($20) if you purchase Overwatch’s premium currency with cash.

Players can currently redeem it for 0 Coins from the store, but many feel the giveaway is unfair.

Firstly, there was no notice that the skin was going to be given away, so some people purchased it recently.

Activision Blizzard had accidentally made the skin free around a month ago, but quickly changed it back.

The Sprinter Tracer skin was also given away at this time, but is not currently available for free.

Game director Aaron Keller admitted that the release was a mistake and that the skins would be available later in the season.

In fact, some people who tried to redeem the skins at this time were charged for it despite it saying it was free.

However, those that missed this mistake and the follow-up tweet would not have known about the event.

Overwatch 2 has often been criticised by the community for the expensive price of skins.

The cost of a single skin in Overwatch is the same price or higher than many indie games, and three add up to the price of a full triple-A game.

As the prices of the skins are so high, people were expecting higher quality free skins.

Both the Tracer and Mei skins have been available since the original Overwatch, and long-time fans already own them.

Many loyal fans wanted newer skins to add to their accounts and have only been met with disappointment.

Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.