I relived my childhood with this classic game remake

I relived my childhood with this classic game remake

Nostalgia at its finest

There has been a resurgence of classic games making their way to modern platforms, and it's a trend that many are embracing. From full reboots to simple remasters, the early '00s nostalgia is hitting 30-somethings right in the feels.

A cult classic reborn

The latest remastered game from the PlayStation 2 era to hit the market is Beyond Good & Evil. Originally released in 2003, this game follows the adventures of Jade, a photographer recruited by an underground resistance group to expose a corrupt government.

A mix of gameplay elements

Beyond Good & Evil seamlessly blends various genres, from hovercraft racing to stealth missions and photography mechanics. While some gameplay aspects may feel dated by today's standards, the world-building and timeless art style still shine through.

Modern updates fall short

Despite the excitement of new players experiencing this classic and old players reliving their memories, some modern updates by Ubisoft have left fans wanting more. From unnecessary account linking to confusing in-game purchases, the game could have been modernized better.

Final thoughts

Beyond Good & Evil remains a standout game worth playing for its time capsule effect and solid gameplay. While it may not have received the full modernization it deserved, it still holds up as a great experience for both new and old players.

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