GRAND Theft Auto 6’s leaked footage has shown a scathing Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg parody on the dangers of social media.
Facebook’s GTA counterpart is called LifeInvader and is run by its red-headed founder Jay Norris.

GTA 6 will apparently return to Vice City.
Norris is a thinly-veiled disguise for Mark Zuckerberg, and GTA does not go easy on him by any means.
LifeInvader’s name is a take on the numerous privacy concerns levied against Facebook, including how the company collects and sells you data.
According to SlashGear, one NPC can be heard saying: “Yeah, so Jay Norris can download your f***ing brain and sell it to the Chinese.”
Norris first appeared in GTA 5 promoting LifeInvader, and it seems Rockstar plans to expand on the parody in the upcoming game.
However, in the GTA 5 mission Friend Request, we saw Zucker — I mean Norris — meet his gory end, so we weren’t expecting him to pop up in the sequel.
Unless, of course, GTA 6 is a prequel.
Despite it seeming impossible, Norris has been implemented in an early build of the game.
This does not mean he will appear in the final version of the game, but the possibility seems high.
His storyline in GTA 6 surrounds rumours that Norris is producing a brain implant for LifeInvader which will plug the app straight into your thoughts.
While the leaked footage only showed NPCs discussing the possibility of the intrusive tech, the conversation comes up a lot.
The frequency of the discussion suggests it could be at the centre of either a main story mission or sub-plot.
Brain link technology has been theorised in the real world.
It was made famous when the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, backed a project based on the technology, called Neuralink.
There are also rumours that a parody of Musk will appear in GTA 6, possibly as part of the same quest.
Despite Rockstar claiming it will be taking a step back from bigotted jokes and language, it seems the studio is not afraid of punching up.
From what we can tell so far, the humour focuses more on dissecting social issues, rather than punching down at individual groups.
Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.