GENSHIN Impact ages like a fine wine. It’s one of the world’s most popular games, and one of the reasons is the wonderful cast of characters.
What really makes Genshin Impact as popular is how each of the many characters are fully fleshed out.

Just a Genshin Impact character being chill.
They have a history: ages, heights, birthdays, and backstories so that players are always eager to find out more.
After all, in this world of magic, despite all looking like teenagers, they can be anything from ten to 10,000 years old.
However, it’s not always easy to discover the answers to our burning questions in-game. What is Diona’s height? How old is Ganyu? What vision element does Shenhe have? When is Keqing’s birthday?
We have the answers to all these questions and more, including their backstories, and bios.
This five-star synthetic human turned to alchemy himself and became captain of the Investigation Team.
- Region: Mondstadt
- Age: 18
- Birthday: September 13
- Height: 5’4”
- Weapon: Sword
- Vision Element: Geo
This five-star crossover character is from Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West. Yes, it’s that Aloy.
- Region: The Midwest
- Age: 20
- Birthday: April 4
- Height: 5’6”
- Weapon: Bow
- Vision Element: Cryo
Amber Teigrov
This four-star outrider is the last one remaining in the Knights of Favonius. She now takes time to care for the people of Mondstadt.
- Region: Mondstadt
- Age: 18
- Birthday: August 10
- Height: 5’1”
- Weapon: Bow
- Vision Element: Pyro
Ayaka Kamisato
This five-star “model of perfection” embodies grace and beauty. She is the eldest daughter of the Kamisato clan.
- Region: Inazuma
- Age: about 20
- Birthday: September 28
- Height: 5’2”
- Weapon: Sword
- Vision Element: Cryo
Ayato Kamisato
Older brother to Ayaka, Ayato is the five-star head of the Kamisato clan.
- Region: Inazuma
- Age: 24
- Birthday: March 26
- Height: 5’11”
- Weapon: Sword
- Vision Element: Hydro
Barbara Pegg
Barbara is a four-star idol who is simultaneously a deaconess of the Church of Favonius. She is also Jean’s younger sister.
- Region: Mondstadt
- Age: 17
- Birthday: July 5
- Height: 5’1”
- Weapon: Catalyst
- Vision Element: Hydro
This four-star captain of The Crux is a renowned fleet captain known for her immense strength and complete lack of fear.
- Region: Liyue
- Age: around 25
- Birthday: February 14
- Height: 5’6”
- Weapon: Claymore
- Vision Element: Electro
This four-star orphan was found by an elderly adventurer and raised in the Adventurer’s Guild. He is followed by constant misfortune.
- Region: Mondstadt
- Age: 16
- Birthday: February 29
- Height: 5’1”
- Weapon: Sword
- Vision Element: Pyro
A four-star exorcist, both blessed and cursed with an abundance of positive ‘yang’ energy.
- Region: Liyue
- Age: 17
- Birthday: September 7
- Height: 5’3”
- Weapon: Claymore
- Vision Element: Cryo
Diluc Ragnvindr
This five-star wealthy member of the Ragnvindr clan is a highly esteemed nobleman and owner of the Mondstadt winery.
- Region: Mondstadt
- Age: 22
- Birthday: April 30
- Height: 5’10”
- Weapon: Claymore
- Vision Element: Pyro
Diona Kätzlein
In contrast to Diluc, this four-star cat barmaid despises alcohol and will stop at nothing to destroy the industry.
- Region: Mondstadt
- Age: 10
- Birthday: January 18
- Height: 4’5”
- Weapon: Bow
- Vision Element: Cryo
Ei “Shogun” Raiden
This five-star vessel of the Beelzebub also goes by the title ‘her eternal excellency’.
- Region: Inazuma
- Age: More than 500
- Birthday: June 26
- Height: 5’6”
- Weapon: Polearm
- Vision Element: Electro
Eula Lawrence
A five-star captain, and descendent of the tyrannical Lawrence clan. Luckily, it seems she’s changed her ways and now is a member of the Knights of Favonius.
- Region: Mondstadt
- Age: 19
- Birthday: October 25
- Height: 5’6”
- Weapon: Claymore
- Vision Element: Cryo
Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort (Amy)
A four-star friend of the ravens claims to come from the land beyond Teyvat. Also known as the Princess of Condemnation, she’s an investigator for the Adventurer’s Guild.
- Region: Mondstadt
- Age: 16
- Birthday: May 27
- Height: 5’1”
- Weapon: Bow
- Vision Element: Electro
A five-star half-qilin Adeptus, she serves as the general secretary of the Liyue Qixing.
- Region: Liyue
- Age: Over 3000
- Birthday: December 2
- Height: 5’3”
- Weapon: Bow
- Vision Element: Cryo
This four-star dog boy is true to his breed and an exceptionally courageous and loyal member of the Watatsumi Army.
- Region: Inazuma
- Age: 18
- Birthday: May 18
- Height: 5’6”
- Weapon: Bow
- Vision Element: Geo
Itto Arataki
While it is obvious from his horns, Itto is a five-star descendent of the crimson demon (oni) and the leader and founder of his own gang.
- Region: Inazuma
- Age: about 24
- Birthday: June 1
- Height: 5’10”
- Weapon: Claymore
- Vision Element: Geo
Jean Gunnhildr
The older sister of Barbara is the five-star grand master of the Knights of Favonius. She’s also known as the ‘Dandelion Knight’.
- Region: Mondstadt
- Age: 21
- Birthday: March 14
- Height: 5’6”
- Weapon: Sword
- Vision Element: Anemo
Jin Yun
There’s nothing the four-star Jin can’t do. She’s a dancer, singer, brewer, and also works for the Heyu Tea House.
- Region: Liyue
- Age: Mid 20s
- Birthday: May 21
- Height: 5’1”
- Weapon: Polearm
- Vision Element: Geo
Kaeya Alberich
One of the earliest obtainable characters, Kaeya is a four-star cavalry captain for the Knights of Falvonius.
- Region: Mondstadt
- Age: 22
- Birthday: November 30
- Height: 5’10”
- Weapon: Sword
- Vision Element: Geo
Kazuha Kaedehara
A five-star member of The Crux, Kazuha was once a wandering samurai of the now lost Kaedehara clan.
- Region: Inazuma
- Age: likely early 20s
- Birthday: October 29
- Height: 5’2”
- Weapon: Sword
- Vision Element: Anemo
Also known as the Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing, Keqing is a five-star independent lady who doesn’t let chance play a role in her life.
- Region: Liyue
- Age: 17
- Birthday: November 20
- Height: 5’2”
- Weapon: Sword
- Vision Element: Electro
A mischievous five-star adventurer who has been entrusted to the Knights of Favonius.
- Region: Mondstadt
- Age: 8
- Birthday: July 27
- Height: 4’2”
- Weapon: Catalyst
- Vision Element: Pyro
Kokomi Sangonomiya
The five-star divine priestess of Watatsumi island, she is a descendent of the Sangonomiya clan.
- Region: Inazuma
- Age: 18
- Birthday: February 22
- Height: 5’2”
- Weapon: Catalyst
- Vision Element: Hydro
Lisa Minci
This four-star mage is the most distinguished graduate that Sumeru Academia has seen within the last 200 years.
- Region: Mondstadt
- Age: 32
- Birthday: June 9
- Height: 5’6”
- Weapon: Catalyst
- Vision Element: Electro
Miko “Guuji” Yae
The Guuji has widened her portfolio. Not only is she the four-star shrine maiden of the Grand Narakumi Shrine, but also the owner of the Yae publishing house.
- Region: Inazuma
- Age: Over 500
- Birthday: June 27
- Height: 5’5”
- Weapon: Catalyst
- Vision Element: Electro
Mona Megistus
This five-star astrologist escaped her hometown and settled in Mondstadt after reading her master’s private diary. Whoops!
- Region: Mondstadt
- Age: 19
- Birthday: August 31
- Height: 5’3”
- Weapon: Catalyst
- Vision Element: Hydro
She may only be four stars but that doesn’t stop her from living in a floating jade chamber. Also known as the Tianquan of Liyue Qixing.
- Region: Liyue
- Age: 26
- Birthday: August 26
- Height: 5’6”
- Weapon: Catalyst
- Vision Element: Geo
She’s a four star gal with her sights set on joining the Knights of Favonius.
- Region: Mondstadt
- Age: 15
- Birthday: March 21
- Height: 5’3”
- Weapon: Claymore
- Vision Element: Geo
This five-star pharmacist may look adorable but she’s actually a zombie.
- Region: Liyue
- Age: 8
- Birthday: March 3
- Height: 4’5”
- Weapon: Sword
- Vision Element: Cryo
Another good boy, the four-star wolf-boy was raised by the Wolf of the North and is now a grandmaster in the Knights of Favonius.
- Region: Mondstadt
- Age: 16
- Birthday: September 9
- Height: 5’4”
- Weapon: Claymore
- Vision Element: Electro
While I don’t think she’d be let in a convent here dressed like that, Rosaria is a four-star nun.
- Region: Mondstadt
- Age: 24
- Birthday: January 24
- Height: 5’6”
- Weapon: Polearm
- Vision Element: Cryo
Sara Kujou
Sara is a four-star tengu and adopted daughter of the Kujou clan.
- Region: Inazuma
- Age: adopted so age unknown but probably late teens
- Birthday: July 14
- Height: 5’6”
- Weapon: Bow
- Vision Element: Electro
This four-star ninja doesn’t want her height to fool you. She only sleeps so much in order to grow.
- Region: Inazuma
- Age: 8
- Birthday: October 19
- Height: 4’5”
- Weapon: Claymore
- Vision Element: Anemo
Five-star daughter to exorcist parents, a terrible accident led her to be raised by Cloud Retainer.
- Region: Liyue
- Age: Mid-30s
- Birthday: March 10
- Height: 5’5”
- Weapon: Polearm
- Vision Element: Cryo
Shinobu Kuki
Itto’s right-hand lass, this four-star warrior is deputy leader of the Arataki gang.
- Region: Inazuma
- Age: Late-teens
- Birthday: July 27
- Height: 5’2”
- Weapon: Sword
- Vision Element: Electro
This four-star alchemist works as the assistant to Albedo.
- Region: Mondstadt
- Age: 18
- Birthday: November 26
- Height: 5’2”
- Weapon: Catalyst
- Vision Element: Anemo
Tao Hu
Despite her cheery smile, Tao is the five-star director of Liyue’s funeral parlour.
- Region: Liyue
- Age: 19
- Birthday: July 15
- Height: 5’1”
- Weapon: Polearm
- Vision Element: Pyro
Tartaglia (Childe)
This five-star member of the Fatui harbingers goes under the alias Childe and danger follows him wherever he goes.
- Region: Snezhnaya
- Age: Early 20s
- Birthday: July 20
- Height: 6’1”
- Weapon: Bow
- Vision Element: Hydro
Thoma is a four-star housekeeper for the Kamisato clan. If you have a problem Thoma’s your man.
- Region: Mondstadt
- Age: Early 20s
- Birthday: January 9
- Height: 5’11”
- Weapon: Polearm
- Vision Element: Pyro
Traveller (Aether/Lumine)
When you start your adventure you choose one of these twin protagonists.
- Region: None
- Age: 15
- Birthday: Player’s Choice
- Height: 5’1”(Lumine) 5’4” (Aether)
- Weapon: Sword
- Vision Element: Player’s Choice
Venti (Barbatos)
Despite his cute appearance Venti is 3000 years old. He’s also a five-star bard.
- Region: Mondstadt
- Age: Around 3000
- Birthday: June 16
- Height: 5’1”
- Weapon: Bow
- Vision Element: Anemo
Xiangling Mao
Four-star Xiangling is a good kid to have around as she is the head chef at Wanmin restaurant.
- Region: Liyue
- Age: 14
- Birthday: November 2
- Height: 5’1”
- Weapon: Polearm
- Vision Element: Pyro
Xiao (Alatus)
Xiao is a five-star Yaksha and the last remaining member. He is an Adeptus and shut-in.
- Region: Liyue
- Age: Over 2000
- Birthday: April 17
- Height: 5’3”
- Weapon: Polearm
- Vision Element: Anemo
Four-star practitioner of the Guhua clan’s arts, Xingqiu is the second son of the guild manager.
- Region: Liyue
- Age: 16-17
- Birthday: October 9
- Height: 5’3”
- Weapon: Sword
- Vision Element: Hydro
Xinyan is a four-star rock and roll idol who is here to take Liyue by storm.
- Region: Liyue
- Age: 16-17
- Birthday: October 9
- Height: 5’2”
- Weapon: Claymore
- Vision Element: Pyro
Yanfei is a four-star half-Adeptus who now works as a legal advisor to Liyue.
- Region: Liyue
- Age: Mid to late teens
- Birthday: July 28
- Height: 5’2”
- Weapon: Catalyst
- Vision Element: Pyro
Yelan is a five-star woman of mystery. Despite saying she works for the ministry she’s actually head of a teahouse.
- Region: Liyue
- Age: Early 20s
- Birthday: April 20
- Height: 5’5”
- Weapon: Bow
- Vision Element: Hydro
Yoimiya Naganohara
The five-star owner of Naganohara Fireworks, her fireworks are as bright as her personality.
- Region: Inazuma
- Age: 16-17
- Birthday: June 29
- Height: 5’2”
- Weapon: Bow
- Vision Element: Pyro
Zhongli (Morax)
Five-star Zhongli is Tao’s assistant at the funeral parlour and hopes to explore the mortal world.
- Region: Liyue
- Age: Over 6000
- Birthday: December 31
- Height: 6’1”
- Weapon: Polearm
- Vision Element: Geo
Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.
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