Disney's Kingdom Hearts Series Coming to Steam: Fans Rejoice

Disney's Kingdom Hearts Series Coming to Steam: Fans Rejoice

Long-Awaited Arrival

Disney fans and gamers alike are celebrating as the iconic Kingdom Hearts series makes its way to a new platform.

Opening Up to All Players

With the series previously only available on PC through the Epic Games Store, the move to Steam will make these beloved games more accessible to a wider audience.

What to Expect

Players can look forward to a plethora of Kingdom Hearts titles, including mainline games, DLC packs, and spin-off games, all set to launch on Steam on June 13, 2024.

What's Included

From Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 HD Remix to Kingdom Hearts 3 + Remind, these bundles encompass all the console RPGs from the series, offering hours of gameplay with beloved characters.

Get Ready to Dive In

Prepare to embark on epic adventures with your favorite Disney and Final Fantasy characters as the Kingdom Hearts series lands on Steam, unlocking a treasure trove of gaming delights.

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