ACTIVISION has admitted that the latest Call of Duty game collection is now so large that it no longer fits on the original PlayStation 4.
According to the US developer, if you want the latest Call of Duty: Warzone update and the full Black Ops: Cold War and Modern Warfare package, you’ll have to uninstall something to make room.

That’s because the 17GB update takes the total storage needed for the trio to over 500GB – making them too large to fit the base PS4 hard drive.
Players on that console must therefore choose to remove certain Call of Duty content from their storage for a smaller overall file size.
“Those who own a standard PlayStation 4 with a default hard drive of 500 GB may need to make room if they have the full versions of Modern Warfare/Warzone and Black Ops Cold War with all modes and packs installed,” Activision said in a blog post on Wednesday.
“Should you have both games installed and have kept up to date with updates, you may need to delete some unused Game Content to have a successful download and install of the Warzone patch tonight.”

Call of Duty’s huge files sizes have become a hot topic among fans of the franchise.
The most recent game in the series, Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War, comes in at a hefty 95GB on PlayStation 4, or 133GB on the PlayStation 5.
Many fans also play the standalone game Warzone, which takes up a further 20GB or so to boot.
On top of that, Activision regularly releases updates for both games – as well as 2019’s Modern Warfare – that take up dozens of Gigabytes.
It’s led some fans to complain that Call of Duty is simply too big as it gobbles up so much hard drive space that they’re forced to uninstall other games.

To help gamers free up space, Activision allows players to delete content they’re unlikely to need, such as story modes.
Activision highlighted that players do not need to download everything in order to enjoy their favourite games.
“No matter which platform you play on, remember that the Warzone download is not necessary if you are only playing Black Ops Cold War and vice versa” the company said.
“Furthermore, players can choose to uninstall/remove other data packs if they are no longer needed for a smaller overall file size.”
Here’s how you can do that in both games:
· Black Ops Cold War: At the main menu, press R3 to go to “File Management.” You will then be able to delete any content you may not have played in a while. The exact content to choose can be found in the Storage Management article linked below.
· Modern Warfare/Warzone: At the main menu, press Options, select the “General” tab, then scroll down to “Game Installs.” From here, you can delete any content you have not played in a while.