BAYONETTA 3 has a huge number of secrets, including Umbral Tears that will unlock extra challenge levels to play.
There are three to collect in each level: a crow, cat, and frog. They can appear in any order.
Bayonetta collecting an Umbran Tear.
If you want to get the most out of Bayonetta 3, here are all the locations for the Umbral Tears to unlock extra levels:
Chapter 1 — Bayonetta 3 Umbral Tears
- Tear 1 – The cat to the left in some rubble as soon as you enter Tokyo. It will run in a square pattern through tunnels in the rubble. Cut corners with Bayonetta’s dash to catch up.
- Tear 2 – The frog is straight after the cutscene where some buildings collapse. It’s behind the hanging sign on the coffee shop on the right.
- Tear 3 – After you open up the underground tunnels, you’ll come to a round room with a pathway up the top. The crow is opposite the entrance. Run one way to scare it, then run back the other way to catch it.
Chapter 2 — Bayonetta 3 Umbral Tears
- Tear 1 – The crow is perched on top of the underground parking ramps in the centre of the first area. Scare it off, then jump out to catch it.
- Tear 2 – After Verse 2, you will see a group of cats hanging around some trucks to the right. The one with the red glow is the Umbral tear.
- Tear 3 – After the long spider sequence, you will hear some ribbiting off to the left. Check the rubble to find the frog.
Chapter 3 — Bayonetta 3 Umbral Tears
- Tear 1 – Right after Verse 1 continue through the cave up the other train. Our frog friend will be hanging from the wall outside.
- Tear 2 – After you enter Taito, turn around and fall backwards onto a broken platform. The crow is perched on the corner here.
- Tear 3 – The cat is just after you go up the ramp in Taito, running around a building on the left. Knock down a board on the roof to block its path, before you give chase.
Chapter 4 — Bayonetta 3 Umbral Tears
- Tear 1 – Near the big gates in China’s first area, there are some wooden platforms to the left. Climb these up to a roof. On the right is another small wooden platform with the crow perched above it.
- Tear 2 – After the fight with the dragon, go through the gate and look right. There is a broken path. Follow it, and at the end, you will see the cat. Knock the baggage off the ladder and chase the cat clockwise up the ladder to catch it.
- Tear 3 – Continue on the main path, and you’ll see a little brick hut on the left. The frog is in the doorway on the back.
Chapter 5 — Bayonetta 3 Umbral Tears
- Tear 1 – After you enter the second area, go straight past the rubble. The cat is on the stairs to the left. You can easily catch up to it if you dash.
- Tear 2 – When you enter the courtyard, there is a high rooftop straight ahead. Climb and grapple up there to find the frog hanging at the top.
- Tear 3 – The crow can be found right before Rodin’s shop. Chase it towards the roof and jump to catch.
Chapter 6 — Bayonetta 3 Umbral Tears
Collecting a frog Umbran Tear.
- Tear 1 – Where you find Verse 2, turn right and chase the cat over the bridge.
- Tear 2 – Instead of going left down the stairs to Verse 6, climb on top of the little outpost ahead. The crow is perched here. Approach from the front and jump over the left edge to catch it.
- Tear 3 – After Verse 7, head to the rubble on the right. Climb up it and the frog is hanging on to the building.
Chapter 7 — Bayonetta 3 Umbral Tears
- Tear 1 – After Verse 6, go through the opening on the left to find the crow perched on the fence.
- Tear 2 – In the room with the flowing sand, hug the right wall and find the frog at the end.
- Tear 3 – Again, in the flowing sand room, the cat is around the fallen building in the centre. Chase it across the platforms to catch it.
Chapter 8 — Bayonetta 3 Umbral Tears
- Tear 1 – There are a lot of frogs in the first area, but the tear is behind the waterfall near where the golden light is for Verse 3.
- Tear 2 – The crow is perched on a platform on the right side of the stairs through the flowing sand.
- Tear 3 – After you destroy the eggs with your frog song, check on top of the black pillars in the room. The cat will run across these until you catch it.
Chapter 9 — Bayonetta 3 Umbral Tears
- Tear 1 – There are a lot of frogs around the waterfall, making it hard to hear. The tear is on the left side of the cascading water, hidden in a patch of grass.
- Tear 2 – In the first room filled with fans, climb to the high platform on the left of the big door. The crow is perched here, but be prepared for a difficult flight in the winds to catch it.
- Tear 3 – In the room where Verse 7 triggers, you will find the cat at the far end. Chase around the edge to catch it.
Chapter 10 — Bayonetta 3 Umbral Tears
- Tear 1 – Climb the tower in the first area, and you will see a broken bridge with a chest. From here you can see the crow. Chase it left and then race to a raised ledge, and jump up to nab it.
- Tear 2 – The cat is sat on the wall at the entrance to the subway. Chase it off, then quickly run to the entrance on the opposite side of the street to catch it as it pops out.
- Tear 3 – Down the alley where you find Verse 7, there is a small area with a chest. Opposite the chest is a breakable wall, and the frog can be found behind it.
Chapter 11 — Bayonetta 3 Umbral Tears
Collecting a crow Umbran Tear.
- Tear 1 – Down the main street near the start, you will see the crow perched on some rubbled on the right side. Chase it, and it will fly down the street you started on. Run back there for an easy catch.
- Tear 2 – After you enter the subway, you will enter a room filled with floating rubble. The frog is on a small ledge behind the platform on the right.
- Tear 3 – After you exit the subway, turn backwards down the road. You will see the cat perched on one of the awnings of a shop front. It needs to be chased across these in order to catch it.
Chapter 12 — Bayonetta 3 Umbral Tears
- Tear 1 – After Verse 2, you will see an alleyway to your right. Follow it and the crow is perched on a rubble at the far end of the square. Chase it, then run back through the door you entered through. A well timed jump will catch this one.
- Tear 2 – In the area near where Verse 2 is, there is a hole in the road on the left side. Jump down here onto some platforms and the frog is waiting on the furthest one.
- Tear 3 – After Verse 4, go down the left-hand side and you will see an alleyway filled with rubble. Destroy all the vehicles here to expose the cat and have an easier time catching it.
Chapter 13 — Bayonetta 3 Umbral Tears
- Tear 1 – After the floor crumbles away, there will be some floating platforms to the left, where the cat is. Chase it with your dash to catch.
- Tear 2 – Opposite the platforms where you find the cat, the frog is sitting on the far side of one of the stalagmites.
- Tear 3 – After the frog, follow the path to a spiralling hill. The crow is at the top. Race it across the platforms to catch it.
Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.
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