Teenager Achieves the Impossible
In a groundbreaking achievement, a 13-year-old boy has made history by completing a classic video game that was thought to be unbeatable for the past four decades.
A Record-Breaking Victory
Known as Blue Scuti, the young gamer took on Tetris for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), a version of the iconic game that was released approximately 35 years ago. While many players had reached the top score in the past, Blue Scuti not only beat the game, but also achieved the highest-ever score recorded.
A Triumph Over Limitations
Blue Scuti's score reached 1 million points within the first seven minutes of playing. However, he didn't stop there. He continued for an additional 40 minutes, clearing an impressive 1511 lines and reaching level 157. At this point, the game crashed as it reached its maximum limit, marking the first time a human has defeated Tetris for the NES.
A Remarkable Feat
Previously, it was believed that Tetris could be played indefinitely as levels advanced and the blocks moved faster. While computers had completed the game before, it was deemed impossible for a human to achieve such a victory. Blue Scuti's triumph has shattered this belief, proving that humans can indeed conquer Tetris.
A Moment of Celebration
As the game crashed, Blue Scuti experienced a wave of excitement and became the first-ever person to complete Tetris for the NES. Overwhelmed by his achievement, he called his mother to witness the momentous occasion and received a well-deserved high five. He expressed that one of the most challenging aspects of his feat was maintaining his composure during the final 30 minutes of play.
A Message of Inspiration
In an interview on the Classic Tetris YouTube channel, Blue Scuti shared his words of wisdom: "If you set your mind to something and you put work into it, it's likely you will get it if you try hard enough." He dedicated his record-breaking run to his late father.
If you're interested in more gaming news, be sure to check out the release dates for all the big games in 2024.