OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Fired: What You Need to Know

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Fired: What You Need to Know
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A Timeline of Events

The tech world was left stunned last week when OpenAI, the artificial intelligence startup, announced the firing of CEO Sam Altman. The decision sparked public backlash from shareholders and employees, leading to talks of reinstating Altman. Here's a breakdown of what has happened so far:

Thursday, Nov. 16

- Ilya Sustekever schedules call with Altman: OpenAI chief scientist Ilya Sutskever sent Altman a message to schedule a meeting for the following day.

- Brockman claims Altman's firing was known: OpenAI CTO Mira Murati was reportedly made aware that Altman would be fired that evening.

Friday, Nov. 17

- Brockman notified of Altman's firing: Brockman received a call from Sutskever informing him that Altman had been removed from the board of directors.

- OpenAI publicly announces Altman's departure: The company published a blog post stating Altman had been fired due to communication issues and announced Murati as interim CEO.

- Microsoft issues statement: Microsoft, OpenAI's largest investor and partner, issued a statement reassuring the market that Altman's firing would not impact their partnership.

- Brockman resigns: Following the announcement, OpenAI president Greg Brockman announced his own resignation.

- Resignations pile up: Several senior OpenAI executives, including the head of preparedness and the director of research, also resigned.

Saturday, Nov. 18

- Shock firing surprises management: OpenAI's COO Brad Lightcap stated that the decision came as a surprise to the entire management team.

- Altman eyes new venture: Altman reportedly began discussing a new AI-related venture with investors.

- Microsoft pushes for Altman's return: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella was said to be "furious" and pushed the board to reconsider Altman's position.

Sunday, Nov. 19

- Altman at OpenAI ahead of decision deadline: Altman posted a picture at OpenAI's headquarters as the deadline for a decision regarding his reinstatement approached.

- Microsoft eyes board seat: Microsoft is reportedly interested in obtaining a board seat or observer role if Altman returns.

OpenAI's decision to fire Altman has sent shockwaves through the tech industry. As the board holds talks to potentially reinstate him, the future of the company hangs in the balance. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.

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