Matter Labs and DappRadar launch new ecosystem portal for zkSync

Matter Labs and DappRadar launch new ecosystem portal for zkSync
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An important step towards decentralization

Matter Labs and DappRadar have announced the launch of a new ecosystem portal for zkSync, marking an important step towards fully decentralizing the protocol. zkSync, a layer-two blockchain for Ethereum payments, was created by Matter Labs to address the issue of scalability in the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem. With over 200 projects and more than 8.8 million testnet transactions, zkSync has quickly gained popularity.

Matter Labs embraces decentralization

Matter Labs has always aimed to incubate, launch, and decentralize the zkSync protocol and ZK Stack. To further this vision, Matter Labs is now stepping back from managing the rapidly growing zkSync ecosystem. This move is in line with the zkSync credo, which emphasizes trustlessness and sovereignty.

DappRadar to enhance visibility

DappRadar's platform will provide enhanced visibility for dapps listed through the zkSync ecosystem portal. This increased exposure is expected to attract more users and generate greater opportunities for press coverage from major media outlets, according to Matter Labs.

Looking towards the future

Matter Labs sees the relinquishment of control over the zkSync ecosystem as just the beginning. Plans are underway to fully decentralize the protocol's technology, community governance, and all other critical components of the network. The ultimate goal is to create a truly decentralized and sustainable ecosystem for zkSync.

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