Google Commits to Protect Users of Generative AI Systems

Google Commits to Protect Users of Generative AI Systems
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Google Aligns with Other Tech Giants

Google has joined the ranks of companies like Microsoft and Adobe in ensuring legal protection for users of generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems. In a recent blog post, Google announced its commitment to safeguarding customers utilizing its Google Cloud and Workspace platforms from allegations of intellectual property infringement.

Addressing Copyright Concerns

The announcement comes in response to growing concerns surrounding the potential copyright issues associated with generative AI. Google made it clear that customers using products integrated with generative AI capabilities will receive legal protection.

Products Covered under Legal Protection

Google explicitly outlined seven products that fall under this legal protection. These include Duet AI in Workspace, encompassing text and image generation in Google Docs, Gmail, Slides, and Meet; Duet AI in Google Cloud; Vertex AI Search; Vertex AI Conversation; Vertex AI Text Embedding API; Visual Captioning on Vertex AI; and Codey APIs. Notably, Google's Bard search tool was not included in this list.

Google's Two-Pronged Strategy

Google unveiled a unique approach to intellectual property indemnification, described as a pioneering two-pronged strategy. Under this initiative, Google extends its protection to cover both the training data and the outcomes generated from its foundational models.

Google Commits to Protect Users of Generative AI Systems
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Indemnity for Training Data and Outcomes

If legal action is taken against someone due to the use of Google's training data that involves copyrighted material, the company will assume responsibility for addressing the legal challenge. This extends to scenarios where the training data incorporates copyrighted material.

Google will also protect users if they face legal action resulting from the results they obtain while utilizing its foundation models. This includes cases where users generate content resembling published works. However, this safeguard is contingent on users not intentionally infringing upon the rights of others.

Similar Commitments by Other Tech Companies

Other tech giants have made similar commitments. Microsoft has pledged legal responsibility for enterprise users of its Copilot products, while Adobe has affirmed its dedication to safeguarding enterprise customers from various claims when using Firefly.

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