Decentralization Using Blockchain Technology Could Mitigate Risks of Artificial General Intelligence, Says Expert

Decentralization Using Blockchain Technology Could Mitigate Risks of Artificial General Intelligence, Says Expert
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Risks of Centralization and the Role of Decentralization

While the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI) brings numerous benefits, it also poses significant risks if the technology falls into the wrong hands. Janet Adams, the chief operating officer of SingularityNET, a project focused on artificial intelligence and Web3, believes that decentralization using blockchain technology could help prevent a potential catastrophe.

The Dystopic Future of AGI and Monopolization

AGI, a conceptual version of AI that enables machines to learn and think like human beings, is set to revolutionize the world. However, Adams warns of a "dystopic future" if the technology is monopolized by Big Tech companies, the military, or the government. She argues that these entities would prioritize profit and power, leading to further inequalities and potential risks for humanity.

The Risks of Military and Government Control

Adams raises concerns about the risks of AGI development exclusively by the military or a single government. She suggests that if AI falls into the hands of the military, it could have "existential" consequences for humanity, potentially being used for warfare. On the other hand, if a single government controls the technology, it could result in unprecedented power and control.

The Solution: Decentralization through Blockchain

To mitigate these risks, Adams proposes decentralizing the development of AGI using blockchain technology. She believes that blockchain, as a fabric of decentralization, can enable secure on-chain AI transactions and provide broad access to a global developer base for open-source AI development. This approach would ensure that AGIs are used for the benefit of everyone, rather than being monopolized by a few organizations.

Decentralization Using Blockchain Technology Could Mitigate Risks of Artificial General Intelligence, Says Expert
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Uncertainty and the Importance of Positive Impact

While acknowledging the impossibility of fully predicting AGI behavior, Adams hopes that AGIs would view humanity as their ancestors. She emphasizes the importance of decentralized governance, ensuring that all technologies have a positive impact on the planet and humanity. Adams believes that building examples of love, kindness, and compassion into AGIs is crucial for a harmonious future.

Adams concludes by expressing her hope that when AGIs are born, they will look to humans as their ancestors.

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