You may have to wait until February to get your second $1,200 stimulus check

AMERICANS in desperate need of stimulus checks may have to wait until February next year, a senior analyst has said.

Garrett Watson, a senior policy analyst at the Tax Foundation, predicts the date for the next round of relief payments will be early in 2021.

You may have to wait until February to get your second $1,200 stimulus check
Americans may have to wait until February 2021 for a second £1,200 stimulus pay out

It comes as calls for a second round of stimulus checks grows louder amid reports that more and more US citizens are struggling financially due to the Covid-19 crisis.

Lawmakers this week made progress on a proposed $908billion bill proposed by President-elect Joe Biden.

But the proposal does not include a second round of $1,200 stimulus checks, as congressional aides still thrash the details of the package out.

As reported by NBC, Watson said Congress’ current goal is to keep the final relief measures of 2020 under the $1 trillion mark.

Another round of $1,200 payments would cost more than $300 billion.

But this would use up a chunk of other funds urgently needed across the country.

Watson added that a bill with direct payments would need to be much larger – and most likely won’t materialize until President-elect Joe Biden is in office.

You may have to wait until February to get your second $1,200 stimulus check
A decision on the $908billion framework proposal will be made by Tuesday December 15

As such, it would make the passing of major legislation by February an optimistic timeline.

The news comes after a top House Democrat has vowed that Congress “won’t adjourn” until there’s a stimulus bill.

Rep Steny Hoyer promised on Thursday that US representatives wouldn’t be breaking until a decision was made about the $908billion framework proposal by next Tuesday, December 15.

On the House floor, the Maryland politician told fellow lawmakers: “We will not adjourn the 116th Congress until we get [the omnibus and Covid-19] bills done because they have to be done.

“I am advising members they will not be expected to be back here to vote on any piece of legislation prior to Tuesday next at 6.30pm,” he concluded.

“An agreement has not reached on either Covid-19 legislation or omnibus for the funding of government for balance of the year between now and September 30.”

His comments come as a bipartisan group remain stuck in a deadlock as Republicans don’t want to include state and local aide.

But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters Thursday that the talks are “close” to a resolution.

More than 20million Americans are on some form of unemployment assistance.

I’s also feared 12million will run out of benefits the day after Christmas unless new relief is released soon.