Whole of England should be plunged into Tier 4 TODAY to stop thousands of Christmas super-spreader events, experts say

ALL of England should go into Tier 4 today to stop a Covid surge from thousands of super-spreading Christmas gatherings, experts say.

Another 24 million people in the south and east of the country will head into the country’s strictest tier from 12.01am on Boxing Day – but some academics are demanding it be brought forward to today and imposed on the whole country.

Whole of England should be plunged into Tier 4 TODAY to stop thousands of Christmas super-spreader events, experts say
Experts say the whole of England needs to go into Tier 4
Whole of England should be plunged into Tier 4 TODAY to stop thousands of Christmas super-spreader events, experts say
Oxford Street – usually Europe’s busiest shopping district – is quiet as London’s non-essential stores shut
Whole of England should be plunged into Tier 4 TODAY to stop thousands of Christmas super-spreader events, experts say
Regent Street in the capital would usually be bustling in the days before Christmas
Whole of England should be plunged into Tier 4 TODAY to stop thousands of Christmas super-spreader events, experts say
Millions more in the south and east are heading into the strictest tier on Boxing Day

And they say much more is needed to control the spread of a new mutant Covid.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock confirmed a highly infectious new South African strain has been found in the UK.

Officials at the Independent SAGE group have today issued a statement claiming the situation is “rapidly worsening” and “incredibly dangerous”.

They said: “Evidence is now strong that the new variant of Covid is significantly more infectious than previous strains.

“This is making a bad situation worse.

“Cases in all tiers are rising, even where the variant is still rare.”

Tiers 1 to 3 “are not able to contain the spread of the new variant”, they say.

Modelling from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine shows the mutation will account for 90 per cent of new cases by mid-January, it’s claimed.

“Christmas Day mixing of households indoors for prolonged periods of time, as allowed in Tiers 1 to 3 in England and across the devolved nations, sets the scene for thousands of super-spreading events,” officials from the group said.

“In the context of the new strain, this is incredibly dangerous.”

Instead, experts say, the Government must U-turn on plans for Christmas bubbles for the whole country – and “place all regions of England in Tier 4” now.

And epidemiologists are backing calls to put the country back into lockdown – with some saying schools must shut once again.

Professor Giridhar Babu said models show that “all NHS regions are projected to experience a subsequent wave of Covid-19 cases and deaths” in the new year.

The third wave will peak in spring 2021 for London, the south-east and east of England, and in summer 2021 for the rest of the country, he claims.

“School closures in Jan 2021 may delay the peak and decrease the total burden in the short term,” he said.

“So what needs to be done?

“In order to reduce the peak ICU burden below the levels seen during the first wave, the most stringent intervention scenario with Tier 4 England-wide and schools closed during January, as well as two million individuals vaccinated per week, is needed.”

Meanwhile, Brit microbiologist Dr Arthur Hosie said all of England must face stricter measures.

“England should be in Tier 4,” he said.

“Political arrogance will cost lives.”

Under the current plans, areas including Oxfordshire, Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire will be put into even tighter restrictions from December 26.

Bristol, Gloucestershire, Somerset and Northamptonshire will go into Tier 3 too, and Cornwall and Hereforshire will be bumped up from Tier 1 to 2.

An additional six million people will be in Tier 4 of the Government’s Covid-19 restrictions from Boxing Day.

This means a total of 24million people will now be in Tier 4, or almost 43 per cent of the population of England.

Some 25million – or 44.4 per cent of the country – will be in Tier 3.

This week, Matt Hancock gave an address to the nation about the changes.

He said: “We simply cannot have the kind of Christmas that we all yearn for.

“We have learnt that when it becomes a matter of when, it is better to act sooner.”

And he admitted the current tier system hasn’t worked on the mutation.

“Tier 3 is not enough to control the new variant. This is not a hypothesis, this is a fact,” he said.

“Just as we had got a tiered system in place that was able to control this virus we have discovered a new, more contagious virus – a variant that is spreading at a dangerous rate.”