When will over-60s get the Covid vaccine?

BRITAIN is ramping up coronavirus vaccination in a bid to get life back to normal by the Spring.

Over a million Brits have already had the jab – but when can over-60s expect to receive it?

When will over-60s get the Covid vaccine?
Margaret Keenan, 90, became the first person in the United Kingdom to receive a coronavirus vaccination

When will over-60s get the Covid vaccine?

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has drawn up a list of nine priority groups who are the first in line for the vaccine.

Over-60s are seventh on the priority list, behind a number of groups deemed more at-risk of either developing severe complications from the virus or transmitting it to vulnerable groups.

According to an online vaccination calculator,

Who is getting the Covid vaccine first? 

The first group to be vaccinated are residents in care homes and their carers, followed by over-80s and frontline health and social care workers.

Brits over the age of 70 will then receive the jab, followed by 16-64 year olds with serious underlying health conditions.

After these groups have been vaccinated, the jab will be available for over-60s.

It is hoped that after vulnerable groups receive the vaccine, groups which are less at-risk of serious complications, including under-50s, will receive the jab. 

Some 15 million people are expected to be jabbed by February, and 24 million by Easter.

It is worth noting that the Government have explained everyone must wait until they are contacted by the NHS, offering them an appointment.

When will over-60s get the Covid vaccine?

3) How do I check when I will get the Covid vaccine?

 You can check when you will receive the vaccine using this handy online calculator. 

The tool can help you work out how long you might have to wait – and how many people are in front of you in the queue.

Based on the Government’s priority list, it considers your age, your health, and whether you work in the NHS.

The tool can be adjusted based on how fast the vaccines are deployed, with a speedy operation the key to ending lockdowns.

The tool assumes that one million people will be vaccinated in a week, which would take just over two years to vaccinate everyone.