When will lockdown 3 end?

COVID deaths are still hitting record numbers despite Boris Johnson’s third national lockdown of England.

With the number of coronavirus infections spiralling out of control, how long could the shut-down remain in place?

When will lockdown 3 end?
People across England are being urged to ‘stay home and save lives’

When will lockdown 3 end?

The lockdown restrictions were initially expected to last until mid-February, but it has been revealed that this is now likely to continue into March.

The Government has doubled down on its “stay at home message” by launching a new advert.

Fronted by England’s chief medical officer Professor Chris Whitty, it urges everyone in England to “act like you’ve got” coronavirus.

Prof Whitty said: “Vaccines give clear hope for the future, but for now we must all stay home, protect the NHS and save lives.”

Prime Minister Boris Johnson added: “I know the last year has taken its toll – but your compliance is now more vital than ever.”

When will lockdown 3 end?

Michael Gove said the public should not expect a sudden relaxation of the Covid-19 rules, as restrictions will be “progressively” eased instead.

He told Sky News: “We can’t predict with certainty that we will be able to lift restrictions in the week commencing February 15-22.

“What we will be doing is everything that we can to make sure that as many people as possible are vaccinated, so that we can begin to progressively lift restrictions.

“I think it is right to say that as we enter March we should be able to lift some of these restrictions but not necessarily all.”

What are the lockdown 3 rules?

Under the new restrictions, Brits can only leave home for limited reasons.

Mr Johnson said people will only be allowed out of their homes to buy essential food and medicine supplies, attend medical appointments, and exercise.

Brits can go to work if it cannot be done from home, provide care for a vulnerable person and attend education if eligible.

But you can still see your support bubble in the new national lockdown.

All primary schools, secondaries and colleges will move to remote provision except for vulnerable and key worker kids.

Pubs and restaurants will not be able to serve alcohol.

When will lockdown 3 end?
Brits have been told they must stay at home

Weddings and civil ceremonies may only take place in exceptional circumstances.

Up to six people can attend a wedding or equivalent ceremony.

Funerals can be attended by a maximum of 30 people.

Brits will not be able to travel unless absolutely necessary.

The full list of dos and don’ts can be found here.

How many national lockdowns has the UK been under?

The UK has had two previous national lockdowns.

The first lockdown started on March 23, 2020, and restrictions lasted into July.

The second UK lockdown was announced on October 31, despite the Prime Minister vowing to do “everything in his power” to avoid the measures.

The measures came into force on Thursday, November 5, and ended on December 2.

On January 4, 2021, the third national lockdown was confirmed.

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