When should I self-isolate with Covid and how long for? Rules explained

SELF-ISOLATION rules now depend on if you’ve been vaccinated or not, and it’s important you know them to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.

With the latest Covid variant Omicron increasing cases rapidly and spreading fast around the country, quarantine measures have been changed.

When should I self-isolate with Covid and how long for? Rules explained

Self-isolation is an important step in slowing the spread of coronavirus in the UK

Failing to self-isolate properly could mean you give the virus to others, potentially vulnerable people.

Self-isolation is still a legal requirement in many instances, and you must follow the rules

It can be difficult for some who cannot afford to be off work for several days, so there is a one-off payment available to those who do not qualify for sick pay.

What does self-isolation mean?

Self-isolation is when you do not leave your home because you have or might have the coronavirus.

Essentially self-isolation means cutting yourself off from the outside world  — and no visitors!

It means staying at home from work, school or other public places or public transport or any place where you may spread the virus to others.

Also, make sure you have a well-ventilated room with a window which can be opened.

And while there should be no visitors, it is fine to have friends, family or delivery drivers drop off essentials during this period.

If you live with people try to stay away from them as much as you can. Sticking to your room is best, while boring, but it will help keep them safe.

Make sure to clean any shared items like taps or door handles and try to wear a mask when moving into shared space.

Self-isolation is different to social distancing and shielding.

When should I self-isolate?

You need to self-isolate if the following applies to you:

  • you have any of the following symptoms: a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste (however, Omicron and Delta are throwing up different symptoms – so it’s best to do a lateral flow and isolate until you know you are clear if you feel unwell)
  • you have tested positive for the virus, even if you have no symptoms, with a lateral flow test. Get a PCR test as soon as possible
  • you have tested positive for the virus, even if you have no symptoms, with a PCR test
  • someone you live with has symptoms (unless you are not required to self-isolate, check below)
  • you’ve been told by the NHS to self-isolate

When do I not need to self-isolate?

There is now some flexibility in self-isolation rules thanks the the millions of people who have taken their Covid vaccine.

If someone you live with has symptoms of Covid, or has tested positive for it, you do not always need to self-isolate.

You can avoid self-isolation if any of the following apply:

  • you’re fully vaccinated – this means 14 days have passed since your final dose of a Covid-19 vaccine given by the NHS. However, if you live with, or have been in contact with someone with the Omicron variant, you need to do daily lateral flow testing for seven days.
  • you’re taking part or have taken part in a Covid-19 vaccine trial
  • you’re not able to get vaccinated for medical reasons
  • you’re under 18 years, 6 months old – unless you are a contact of someone who has Omicron Covid

The NHS says even if you do not have to self-isolate and don’t think you have symptoms of the virus, you should still get a PCR test to check if you are carrying Covid.

You may want to limit contact with vulnerable people just in case you are infected with Covid.

What are the self-isolation rules for Omicron?

If you are told you have the Omicron variant, self-isolation rules are the same.

But if you are fully vaccinated and live in the same household as someone that has been identified as a suspected or confirmed case of Omicron, you do not need to self-isolate but must do daily lateral flow testing for seven days.

These rules also apply to those who are aged five to 18 years and 6 months old, regardless of their vaccine status, people who can prove they are unable to be vaccinated for clinical reasons and people taking part, or have taken part, in an approved clinical trial for a Covid vaccine.

If you are unvaccinated and live in the same household as someone with Covid – Omicron or otherwise – you must self-isolate.

How long should I self-isolate for?

New rules mean if you are vaccinated and test negative using lateral flow tests on day six and seven of isolation, with tests taken 24 hours apart, no longer have to self-isolate for 10 days.

The first test must be taken no earlier than day six of the self-isolation period.

But those who leave self-isolation on or after day seven are strongly advised to limit close contact with other people in crowded or poorly ventilated spaces, work from home and minimise contact with anyone who is at higher risk of severe illness.

There is no change to the guidance for unvaccinated positive cases, or unvaccinated contacts of positive Covid-19 cases, who are still required to self-isolate for 10 full days after their date of exposure to the virus.

If you test positive, your self-isolation period includes the day your symptoms started and the next seven full days – unless you keep testing positive.

But if you do not have symptoms, but have a positive test result, your period starts the day you had the test.

If you get symptoms after your test, you have to self-isolate for a further seven days from when your symptoms start (provided you test negative on day six and seven of the new time period)

If you didn’t test negative from days six or seven, under previous guidance you can stop self-isolating after 10 days if either:

  • you do not have any symptoms
  • you just have a cough or changes to your sense of smell or taste – these can last for weeks after the infection has gone

Continue to keep self-isolating if:

  • you feel unwell
  • you have any of these symptoms: a high temperature or feeling hot and shivery, a runny nose or sneezing, feeling or being sick, diarrhoea. Only stop self-isolating when these symptoms have gone.

What if someone else is self-isolating in your home? 

The Government suggests you do the following to reduce Covid spreading in your home:

  • Limit contact with the person with Covid and preferably make sure they stay in one room 
  • Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water regularly
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze or cough (or the crook of your elbow). Immediately throw the rubbish away and wash your hands
  • Regularly clean surfaces, especially shared areas like bathrooms
  • Rubbish from the infected person should be double-bagged and left aside for at least 72 hours before put in usual external household waste bins
  • Wash the person’s dirty laundry separately
  • Ventilate shared living spaces
  • Keep contact with pets restricted, and wash hands thoroughly before and after contact

When do I need to self-isolate after holiday?

For a long time, there were self-isolation rules around travel abroad.

But a set of rules have now come into force following the emergence of Omicron.

If you are fully vaccinated and arrive in England from a country that is NOT on the red list, you:

  • must quarantine at home or in the place you’re staying
  • take a PCR test before the end of day two after you arrive (lateral flow tests will not be accepted)
  • can end quarantine if your PCR test result is negative or 14 days have passed, whichever is first

If you are not fully vaccinated you must quarantine for 10 full days from the day after you arrive in England.

If you arrive in England from a red-list country, you must quarantine in a Government approved hotel and take two Covid tests. This applies to people who are fully vaccinated and unvaccinated.

Read more about the travel rules on the Government website.

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