What is the new Tier 3 lockdown in England?

ENGLAND’s tiered system of regional Covid restrictions will be toughened up when a national lockdown ends on December 2.

Some areas will move into a higher alert level than the one they were in before the second lockdown, PM Boris Johnson has warned.

What is the new Tier 3 lockdown in England?
Spreading love – not the coronavirus – in London’s famous Oxford Street

What is Tier 3 lockdown? 

On Thursday, November 26, people in England will find out which tier they are being placed in once the second lockdown ends.

More regions than before the lockdown are expected to face Tier 2 or Tier 3 restrictions, banning simple acts such as popping to the pub for a pint of beer or a glass of wine.

Tier 3 is the toughest set of restrictions and will be applied to “very high” risk areas.

This category will mean bars, cafes and restaurants must remain shut except for takeaway services, and that households cannot mix except in public places outdoors.

Tier 3 – Very High Alert: what it means:

  • All shops can stay open
  • You can meet with others in public outdoor places, such as beaches or parks, but only in groups of up to six people
  • Areas should only be at this level for 28 days then a review should take place
  • You should maintain social distancing from anyone not in your household or support bubble
  • People can’t stay overnight somewhere outside of their local area unless needed for work, education or similar
  • Accommodation will be closed in these areas except for specific reasons
  • You should work from home where possible
  • Businesses such as hair, beauty and nail salons can stay open
  • People are advised against travelling out of their area
  • You should still wear a face covering
  • Public buildings such as libraries can open
  • Up to 15 people can attend a wedding ceremony or civil partnership
  • Up to 30 people can attend someone’s funeral and up to 15 people can attend someone’s wake
  • Gyms, pools, and leisure facilities can open

What is the new Tier 3 lockdown in England?
Another way of getting the safety message across during the pandemic

Which areas in the UK are expected to go into Tier 3?

Much of England is expected to go into tier two or tier three as cases per 100,000 people remain high across of the country.

Northern cities including Hull and Newcastle continue to have very high numbers of cases and are likely to go into tier three.

Hull currently has 699 Covid cases per 100,000 people while Newcastle has 417.

Across Yorkshire and the Humber cases per 100,000 were last recorded at 378.9.

Parts of Greater Manchester and the North West are also considered higher risk and could see tier three restrictions.

But the mayors of London and Liverpool have urged the Government to spare their areas.

Liverpool City Region Mayor Steve Rotheram said “remarkable” progress had been made since it was put under stringent restrictions last month.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan said the capital’s businesses would suffer a “hammer blow” that they may not recover from if it is placed in Tier 3 next week.

What is the new Tier 3 lockdown in England?
England’s second lockdown ends on December 2

Will there be a Tier 4?

Ministers have scrapped plans to bring in a tougher tier 4 for the worst-hit areas.

Instead, the government is due to strengthen the current three-tier system.

Can shops stay open? 

Yes, under the new restrictions non-essential shops are staying open in tier three, allowing Brits to go shopping in the run up to Christmas.

Cinemas, however, are expected to stay closed.

What is the new Tier 3 lockdown in England?

Can pubs and restaurants stay open?

Unlike the previous restrictions, pubs and restaurants in tier three will only be allowed to stay open for click and collect orders.

They will not be allowed to have sit in customers or seating outside.

The Rule of Six will return with the 10pm curfew to be moved to 11pm.

Will households be allowed to mix? 

People from different households will not be allowed to mix indoors or in private outdoor areas.

In tier three, you will only be allowed to meet up to six people in certain public spaces, including parks, beaches and playgrounds.

Larger groups can fined between £200 and £6,400 by police, depending on the number of offences.

What is the new Tier 3 lockdown in England?
The aim remains to look after our NHS and its over-worked staff

Will gyms and sports facilities be open? 

Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools will be able to reopen in all three tiers.

The PM said that shops, gyms, personal care businesses and leisure facilities will be allowed to reopen from December 2.

Gyms and swimming pools can reopen everywhere, though restrictions vary across the tiers for classes and organised adult sport.

Spectators at football matches will not be allowed.

Can I get a haircut?

Yes, hairdressers salons and beauty salons will be open across the country.

Officials were said to be concerned that they would be unable to stop people going from Tier 3 areas into Tier 2 ones to sneak in an appointment before Christmas.

Can I get married?

Weddings and civil partnerships can take place with 15 guests, but receptions are banned in Tier 3.

However collective worship can continue.

Can I go to work? 

The government will advise anyone in tier three to work from home if they can.

People unable to work from home will be allowed to travel into work and can go outside of tier restrictions if their work requires it.

Can I travel to other parts of the UK? 

If you live in a tier three area, you are not advised to stay overnight in another part of the UK unless it is essential.

Equally, people should not travel to tier three areas unless they are travelling for work, education or for care reasons.

What is the new Tier 3 lockdown in England?
 Prince Charles and Camilla wearing protective face coverings

What does this mean for Christmas?

Boris Johnson has announced a slight relaxation of Covid-busting restrictions for Christmas.

Three households will be able to meet up inside for five days over Christmas in a much-needed boost for the nation after a gruelling year of Covid rules.

Social distancing and travel rules will be scrapped from December 23 to 27 so Brits can hug their grannies and see their friends as part of the festive plan.

There will be a relaxation of restrictions on overnight stays, and people will be allowed to travel freely across Tiers

Cops won’t be expected to patrol to enforce the new rules – but will step in if people break them by hosting huge gatherings and hold parties.

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The PM said, ‘The virus doesn’t know it’s Christmas and we must all be careful’